physical educatin

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which games were held in the honor of god zeus?
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what is the motto written on the temple of god Appolo in greece dalphi?
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meden Agan (nothing in excess)
which games were held in the honor of god Appolo?
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phythian games
the masseurs in ancient greece were known as?
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teachers of Archery in the ancient greece were known as?
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which games were held in the honor of god poseidon?
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in which year were the winter Olympics held for the first time?
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when and where was the olympic flag used for the first time?
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1920 Antwerp
which asian country hosted the commonwealth games first?
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when snooker and billiard were included in the asian games?
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in ancient greece the god of sky was?
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God of sea in the ancient greece was
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god of healing in the ancient greece?
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in sparta at the age of 18 the weak boys were enrolled in the secret corps known as
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sports grounds in sparta were called
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who invented use of oil in the gymnasium
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the slave teachers who used to teach at home were called?
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in athens the boys were enrolled in the secret corps called
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who among following first classified different exercises?
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the principles of physical training were first prescribed by
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Campus Martius in the ancient Rome was
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a military ground
what are the events in the modern pentathalon in Olympics?
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riding, fencing, shooting, swimming and cross country races
how many enteries per event allowed in Olympics?
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interim Olympics were held in
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BP coubertin died in
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how many countries participated in first Olympic games
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olympic oath administered for the first time in
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1920 antwerp
what was takashila in ancient times famous for
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archery training
what is the duration of Summer Olympic Games
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16 days
in which year the ancient Olympic games were banned
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394 AD
a agoge in ancient Greece mean
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formal system of Education
what was palaestra famous for in the ancient Greece
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it was a wrestling school
Didascaleum in the ancient Greece was famous for
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where were 13th Asian Games held
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which country hosted the first Asian Games
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India New Delhi
the teachers of ball who worked under the instructions from the paidotribes were called
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the oldest sport in subcontinent is
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oldest recognized Polo Club in the World list
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kolkata polo club
what's the ancient name of Polo and who gave it
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chaugan by mughals
whrre is the world's highest cricket ground situated
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chail (india)
Pugilists are also known as
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Pugilists are also known as
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which game has largest playing area
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polo (275+145m)
in which country the head quarter of 'world physical education congress' located
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sweathling cup is associated with which game
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table tennis
Cagers are
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volleyball players
in which of the following method muscles are injured more frequently
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isotonic method
which country won maximum numbrr of medals in 16th commonwealth games
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which of the following exercises come under polymetric jumps
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hopping, bounding, upth jumps
the warming up session is divided into
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two parts
name the german game on which the modern basketball based
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the duration of cooling down may range from
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10-20 min
quick source of fuel in the body is
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yoga seems to have originated in
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vadic age
football is played on a rectangular field measuring
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100-110m length 64-75m width
what is the width and height of hockey goals
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3.66m and 2.14m
dimensions of tenis court for singles
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23.77m x 8.23m (78 x 27 ft)
four doubles in tennis game how much width is added in single court
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2.74m (9ft)
dimensions of tennis court for doubles
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23.77 x 10.97m (78x36 ft)
first asian games
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new Dehli 1951
dimensions of baseball field
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27.5 x 38.75m
in cricket distance btween wickets
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20.12m (22 yards)
length and breadth of cricket bat
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38 x 4 1/2 inches (96 x11.5 cm)
dimensions of hockey field
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91.4 x 55m (100 x 60 yards)
dimensions of basketball court
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28.7 x 15.2 m (94 x 50 ft)
dimensions of polo ground
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275 x 145 m (300 x 160 yards)
dimensions of squash court
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9.75m length, 6.4m width, 5.64m height
dimensions of table tennis
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2.74 m x 1.525m (9 x5 ft) 76 cm height
dimensions of volleyball ball court
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18 x 9 ft

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