słownik angielsko - angielski

English - English

called po angielsku:

1. call call

Call the police!
Do you mind if I call on you sometime? "No, not at all."
Please give us a call now if you want to participate in the workshop!
Call us toll-free at 1-800-446-2581.
Call me once you've arrived.
Could you remind me to call my academic advisor at 9:00 p.m. tomorrow?
He never fails to call his mother on her birthday.
Environmental problems call for quick action.
At the best hotels, there is always someone at your beck and call.
He said he would give me a call, but he hasn't yet.
When I got the phone call telling me of my father's death, I was completely flustered.
Rather than putting off this meeting, why don't we just call it off?
I'd like to check out. Could you call the bellboy?
The fire brigade was on the scene within five minutes of receiving the call.
What number should I call in case of an emergency?

Angielskie słowo "called" (call) występuje w zestawach:

past simple regular verbs Grammarway 2

2. called called

Someone called.
The contents of the four registers are preserved by the called subroutine.
The detective I hired called to tell me he has a promising lead.
People who do bodybuilding are called bodybuilders.
In 1969, Roger Miller recorded a song called "You Don't Want My Love." Today, this song is better known as "In the Summer Time." It's the first song he wrote and sang that became popular.
This is what is called a 'present' in some countries and 'bribery' in others.
I called up my friend to congratulate him on his success.
There's also a great deal of so called behind-the-scenes work.
The process by which substances are turned directly from a solid state into a gas is called sublimation.
All the soldiers were called out by the king to defend the castle against all opposition.
This is an example of the survival of the fittest, as it is called.
The girl in the red dress ignored the man dressed in black and called a friend on her cellphone.
Newspapers, television, and radio are called the mass media.
The committee called on all nations to work side-by-side to curb air pollution.
Blind people read by touching, using a system of raised dots called Braille.

Angielskie słowo "called" (called) występuje w zestawach:

Nicholas' Sight Words
sight words week 7

3. The entire unit is called an articulated lorry The entire unit is called an articulated lorry

Angielskie słowo "called" (The entire unit is called an articulated lorry) występuje w zestawach:

2 Lesson of IT

4. referred to as referred to as

One style is referred to as the Chicago School.

Angielskie słowo "called" (referred to as) występuje w zestawach:

#2 wejściówka ([nie]formalne)

5. at at

I'm at the hospital. I got struck by lightning.
How many times a day do you look at yourself in the mirror?
I'm good at Japanese.
I'm thinking about complaining about my son's teacher at the kindergarten.
To the best of my knowledge, the lake is the deepest at this point.
He did something stupid and was sneered at.
Happiness depends not so much on circumstances as on one's way of looking at one's lot.
You went to bed at 2 o'clock in the morning? No wonder you look sleepy today.
Do you mind if I call on you sometime? "No, not at all."
School begins at half past eight except on Wednesdays and Saturdays.
At first I felt a bit too shy to speak to her.
At the party the other night, my brother drank a bit too much and passed out.
At Narita Airport, I ran into an old friend of mine.
When I was a kid, touching bugs didn't bother me a bit. Now I can hardly stand looking at pictures of them.
Her composition had no grammatical errors at all.