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in love and war you do not have to obey the usual rules about reasonable behaviour
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all's fair in love and war
to increase someone's interest in and wish for something, usually by giving them a small experience of it
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whet sb's appetite
I've read an excerpt of the book on the Web and it's whetted my appetite. That one kiss had whetted his appetite.
to look at someone or something with great enjoyment:
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feast your eyes on sth/sb
We walked through the valley, feasting our eyes on the beauty all around us.
to do something in the easiest, cheapest, or fastest way
iść na skróty, zrobić coś minimalnym kosztem
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cut corners
Don't cut corners on this project—it has to be done thoroughly, no matter the cost. If you cut corners and don't apply a top coat, then your nails probably are going to chip faster.
to not be as good as the person or thing mentioned
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can't hold a candle to sth
Her latest book is readable enough, but it can't hold a candle to her earlier work.
to pay for something, esp. for what someone else has bought or used:
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pick up the tab
The company will pick up the tab for this trip.
to use the worst people or things because that is all that is available
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scrape the bottom of the barrel
Richard's in the team? You really are scraping the bottom of the barrel!
to make someone feel sick, often because they are angry or upset about something:
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turn sb’s stomach
The sight of Joe eating raw fish is enough to turn your stomach. Just the smell makes my stomach turn. The amount of money she spends on designer clothes really turns my stomach.
a person or an organization with a lot of power or influence:
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a big shot
He is trying to become a big shot in the mortgage business.
a person who works while others that they work with are on strike
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blackleg, strikebreaker
Many strikebreakers were subjected to verbal and physical attacks.
a person who does dangerous things and takes risks
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someone who has the position of leader in an organization but who has no real power:
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The president of this company is just a figurehead - the Chief Executive has day-to-day control.
a person who has to do all the boring or unpleasant jobs that other people do not want to do
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someone who walks across a street at a place where it is not allowed or without taking care to avoid the traffic:
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We nearly ran over a couple of jaywalkers who walked out in front of the car. Jaywalkers have also been a problem in the area.
someone who drops rubbish on the ground in public places, a person who throws trash on the street, grass, etc
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a litter lout, litterbug
Why do we still have so many litterbugs? They are ruining the enviornment.
Person or Persons to lay blame upon when something goes wrong
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scapegoat, whipping boy
Daniel: uh oh, I have just deleted a database off the server Gareth: Quick we need a scape goat! Daniel: I know lets blame Lee and say he did it.
One who is very reluctant to spend money even when it is clearly in one's best interest.
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My uncle George will never help anyone out. He's too much of a skin
Someone who lives off of others like a parasite, continually taking advantage of their generosity and good will.
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"You need to tell your new boyfriend to get a job! He's taking advantage of you! He's a total sponger!"

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