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Pytanie Odpowiedź
no sooner had somebody done something than something, no sooner did somebody do something than something, no sooner did somebody do something than something
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ledwie ktoś coś zrobił, gdy (stało się) coś innego
no sooner said than done
A thing with them is no sooner said than done.
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już się robi
somebody would just as soon somebody did something
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ktoś wolałby, żeby ktoś inny zrobił coś
see somebody about something
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spotykać się z kimś w jakiejś sprawie
see about something
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zająć się czymś
see about doing something
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zająć się robieniem czegoś
see something in somebody
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widzieć coś w kimś (co sprawia, że go lubimy)
see in
Nothing like them had ever been seen in America before.
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dostrzegać, widzieć
see somebody in
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odprowadzić kogoś, odeskortować kogoś
be in
Can I speak with Nick?" "Sorry, but he isn't in at the moment.
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być w domu
be in
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przyjechać, stać (np. o pociągu)
in fact
In fact, I think he's rather nice.
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see somebody through something
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wspierać kogoś w trakcie czegoś
see through somebody
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przejrzeć kogoś na wylot
see something through
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doprowadzić coś do końca
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przezroczysty, prześwitujący (o ubraniu)
in that
Nothing in that show would look out of place today.
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dzięki temu, ponieważ
in order to
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aby, w celu
in order
Put the books back in order.
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w kolejności, po kolei
see the light
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zdać sobie sprawę, że coś jest prawdziwe
see the light
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ujrzeć światło (zwrócić się w stronę religii)
to see the light
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to see the light
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zmienić religię
wait and see
We'll just wait and see if these two are any good.
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przekonać się, zobaczyć coś
the Holy See
But the matter did not receive the attention of the Holy See itself for some time.
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Stolica Apostolska
see around
Now he's heard that men with no business here have been seen around the place.
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see somebody around
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widywać kogoś regularnie
see around something, see round something
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odwiedzić coś, obejść coś
lie in british english, sleep in american english
One day I will lie in such a place, he thought.
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poleżeć sobie w łóżku, pospać sobie, późno wstać
lie in something
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znajdować się gdzieś, zawierać się w czymś
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wylegiwanie się (gdy leżymy w łóżku dłużej niż zwykle)
see somebody do something
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zobaczyć kogoś, jak coś robi
see somebody doing something
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zobaczyć kogoś robiącego coś
do something about something
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zrobić coś w sprawie czegoś
do something about something
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zrobić coś z czymś (zaradzić czemuś)
What's your overall impression of him?
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całkowity, ogólny
overall impression
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ogólne wrażenie
Overall, these changes had little effect on the Church as a whole.
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w sumie
But overall, people want good value for the money at any price point.
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kitel, fartuch
The overalled mechanic was still at work on the helicopter's engine.
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w kitlu, w kombinezonie
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w ogrodniczkach
first overall
So he passed up his chance to be the likely first overall pick.
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na pierwszym miejscu w klasyfikacji generalnej
overall situation
So what do you think about the overall situation as it stands at the present time?
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sytuacja ogólna
the overall objective
They work together to achieve the overall objectives of the organization.
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ogólny cel
overall design
However, further modifications to the overall design were still to come.
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projektowanie całościowe
overall majority
The electorate decided not to give any one party an overall majority.
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absolutna większość
overall sales strategy
All of this will lead to a better understanding of the dynamics of the overseas market and an improvement in the overall sales strategy.
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ogólna strategia sprzedaży
overall market size
However, the overall market size was growing through the 1960s, and with it grew the sales of the Opel Rekord.
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ogólna wielkość rynku
overall market share
She added that the company could increase its overall market share if it cut prices.
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udział w całościowym rynku
When their eyes met, she felt that special tingle in her heart.
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ciarki, mrowienie (np. w nogach)
But she felt a tingle now, and part of it was fear.
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dreszcz, dreszczyk (np. emocji)
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dźwięczenie, brzęczenie (np. w uszach)
to tingle
There was tingling along my body, yet I did not care.
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mrowić, wywoływać uczucie mrowienia
to tingle
That was when something tingled in the back of her mind.
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dźwięczeć, brzęczeć
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przejmujący (np. głos, atmosfera)
I feel tingling in my legs.
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mrowienie, ciarki
neural spine
The neural spines on its back were very tall.
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wyrostek kolczysty
neural tube
About one baby in 1,000 is born with a neural tube defect.
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cewka nerwowa
At first air will come out of the valve, then water.
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zawór, zasuwa, zastawka
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wentyl (ruchoma część w instrumentach dętych)
He got a new valve and was back home two weeks later.
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zastawka (np. serca)
valve British English, vacuum tube American English
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lampa elektronowa
test tube, test-tube
At least that's how it seems to work in the test tube.
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mrożący krew w żyłach
The patient was scheduled for surgery of the upper spine.
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kolec, cierń
He has to, because they provide the spine of his paper
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grzbiet (książki)
If either of us had any spine, we certainly would have!
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determinacja, zdecydowanie
send shivers up and down your spine
Who do you see in your lab that sends shivers up and down your spine?
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sprawiać, że ciarki chodzą po plecach
anterior nasal spine
The anterior nasal spine is a bony projection in the skull.
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kolec nosowy (przedni element budowy czaszki człowieka)
spine bashing australian slang
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obijanie się, opierdzielanie się
spine-basher australian slang
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leniuch, wałkoń
spined loach
The spined loach is often kept as an ornamental fish in aquaria.
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koza, kózka (ryba słodkowodna)
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pay spines
Here, rigid, centrally set pay spines were swept away in the 1990s.
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siatka płac
A trickle of tears run down her cheek.
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cienki strumyczek, strużka
to trickle
Over the next several days the results began to trickle in.
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cieknąć, kapać, ściekać
to trickle
Probably most of these will trickle in during the next few days.
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z wolna napływać, powoli się gromadzić (np. o grupie ludzi)
trickle posting British English, individual rotation American English
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system, gdzie jednostka znajduje się na misji przez cały czas jej trwania, a personel przychodzi i odchodzi.
trickle down
That news may take at least a day to trickle down to the street.
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dostać się, nadarzyć się
trickle-down effect
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efekt polegający na tym, że bogacenie się jednostek podnosi poziom życia społeczeństwa
trickle charger
She hooked the truck battery up to the trickle charger and left it.
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ładowarka (do ładowania małym prądem)
trickle-down theory
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teoria, że bogacenie się jednostek podnosi poziom życia społeczeństwa
I pulled the sheet up to my chin.
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chin somebody
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uderzyć kogoś w szczękę, dać komuś w szczękę
pull-up british english, chin-up american english
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podciąganie się (na drążku)
chuck somebody under the chin
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głaskać kogoś pod brodą
take something on the chin
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przyjmować coś na klatę, znosić coś po męsku
chinwag, chin wag
Well, we went downstairs and were having a right old chinwag when it started.
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pogaduszki, ploty
chinwag, chin wag
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plotkować, gadać
have a chinwag
I hope you've been busy while I've been having a chinwag.
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uciąć sobie pogawędkę, poplotkować
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o podwójnym podbródku
weak chin
From what I could tell he's got a weak chin.
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słabo uwydatniony podbródek
chin protector, chin strap
She considered but rejected the idea of asking the woman to remove her goggles and chin protector to see what she looked like - presentability matters in the workplace, after all - and then wrote the contact information on the lift ticket.
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ochraniacz podbródka
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keep your chin up!
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głowa do góry!
chin rest
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podbródek (np. w skrzypcach)
strong chin
You've got the most beautiful mouth, and a strong chin.
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wydatny podbródek
cleft chin
He had blue eyes and a square jaw with a cleft chin.
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podbródek z dołkiem
Ten minutes later, we were on the other side of the cleft.
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szczelina, rozpadlina
cleft lip
Cleft lip repair is usually done within 6 to 12 weeks of age.
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rozszczepienie wargi, zajęcza warga
upper lip, top lip
It is often found on both sides of the upper lips.
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górna warga
lip service
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gołosłowne poparcie
pay lip service to something
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składać gołosłowne deklaracje poparcia czegoś
pay lip service to somebody
The international community must no longer stop at lip service.
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składać gołosłowne deklaracje poparcia kogoś
cleft palate
Cleft palate usually later, from about six months to a year.
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rozszczep podniebienia
This effect seems to have little to do with the palate.
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Must we have a good understanding with one another's palates?
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hard palate
This forms what is known as the roof of the mouth, or the hard palate.
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podniebienie twarde
soft palate
They are rarely reported on the soft palate and floor of the mouth.
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podniebienie miękkie
These have a muscular velum on the ventral surface, which allows them to move about.
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podniebienie miękkie
be in a cleft stick
He didn't need to be told he was in a cleft stick.
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znaleźć się między młotem a kowadłem
orofacial cleft
Racial and ethnic variations in the prevalence of orofacial clefts in California, 1983-1992.
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rozszczep twarzoczaszki
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powszechne występowanie, rozpowszechnienie
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przewaga, dominacja, panowanie
No significant change in prevalence was found between 1982 and 1990.
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częstość występowania (np. jakieś choroby)
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It also reported a prevalence of 1.68 per 1,000 for children under 15 years.
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wartościowość, walencyjność (liczba wiązań chemicznych, jakie może utworzyć atom z innymi atomami)
It came from the right, ahead of me, out in the vale.
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dolina, padół
vale of tears
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padół łez
prevalence rate
When, in 1994, these and others questions were included, the prevalence rate rose to 7.4 percent.
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chorobowość, częstość występowania (choroby)
valence band
The vacuum can be seen as a special type of insulator without a valence band.
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pasmo walencyjne
valence electron
Each valence electron has a "wave function" associated with it.
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elektron walencyjny
orofacial cleft defect
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rozszczep wargi i podniebienia
double chin
He had a double chin and something of a belly.
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podwójny podbródek
The worst thing was the pain in his belly.
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brzusiec (część naczynia glinianego)
fire-bellied toad, bombina
Oriental fire-bellied toads can be trained to accept food in this manner.
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podbrzusze (część ciała)
You could feel the dark side, the underbelly, of him through instinct.
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newralgiczny punkt, czuły punkt, pięta achillesowa
dark underbelly
It delves into the dark underbelly of human relationships to expose the sometimes harmonious, sometimes discordant emotions that affect us all.
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ciemna strona
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I got down on my knees to check the car's underbelly.
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spód kadłuba
navel, umbilicus, belly button, bellybutton
The girl had a pierced navel.
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umbilical cord, navel-string
It was all but over; the umbilical cord bad been cut.
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navel orange
But that apparently did not happen this year to California's navel oranges.
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nowelina (odmiana pomarańczy)
navel ring
A navel ring may be one way your child tests his or her limits.
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kółko wpinane w pępek (kolczyk)
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zapatrzenie się w siebie
belly laugh
For a moment I let go and had a belly laugh.
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śmiech do rozpuku
belly dancer
That show also included a performance by a belly dancer.
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tancerka wykonująca taniec brzucha
belly flop
The game made a big splash all right, like a belly flop.
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uderzenie brzuchem o powierzchnię wody (przy skoku do wody)
pot belly
The athlete's body which he once took great pride in now has a pot belly.
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wystający brzuch
belly dance
Interest in belly dancing, particularly among women of a certain age, is booming.
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taniec brzucha
go belly up
They thought you were going to go belly up until last night.
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beer belly, beer gut
He could be one of those guys trying to run up and down the court with a beer belly.
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mięsień piwny (duży brzuch)
belly band
Why couldn't they have put a belly band in this suit?
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pas ciążowy
belly landing
Probably, also, if the ship came in to a belly landing.
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awaryjne lądowanie ze schowanym podwoziem
belly tank
The water or retardant is carried in three center-line belly tanks.
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zbiornik podkadłubowy
belly timber
At the last moment the dhow dropped her sail and went aground with such force that they heard her belly timbers snapping.
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Montezuma's revenge, Delhi belly
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biegunka podróżnych
have eyes bigger than your belly
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oczy by jadły
yellow, yellow-bellied
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brzuchaty, pękaty, z dużym brzuchem (o człowieku)
pot-bellied stove
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pękaty piecyk
pot-bellied pig
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świnia wietnamska
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jama, nora
They may want to understand the law better or delve into its history.
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zagłębiać (się w coś), dociekać, badać
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grzebać (np. w kieszeni), kopać (w poszukiwaniu czegoś)
It was one of the workers from the cask room.
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antałek, beczka, beczułka
flame retardant
This change could substantially reduce flame retardant use in new furniture.
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środek opóźniający palność (tzw. uniepalniacz)
flame retardant
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Most, however, are treated with a growth retardant to keep them small.
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opóźniacz, zwalniacz, spowalniacz
fire retardant, fire-retardant
I think probably supposed to have fire retardant things these days.
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After 35 years together, they still tour and record relentlessly.
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bez przerwy, niepowstrzymanie
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zawzięcie, nieustępliwie, nieubłaganie
But Karl had the relentlessness that is often found in mean people.
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zawziętość (charakteru), nieustanność (czegoś)
She told them he was relentless, the husband who always got his way.
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bezwzględny (o zachowaniu), surowy (np. władca), nieugięty (o osobie)
To the public, this seemed like a relentless defense of order.
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nieustający (np. płacz), nieustanny (pościg za czymś)
Most farmers harvest their crops in the fall.
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plony, zbiory
to crop
He had short cropped hair.
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przycinać, podcinać (włosy)
to crop
This image is too big. Try to crop it.
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kadrować, przycinać (zdjęcie, np. komputerowo lub za pomocą gilotyny fotograficznej)
to crop
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skubać, przygryzać (np. trawę, rośliny)
to crop
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dawać plony, obrodzić (np. rośliny)
The land in the area is especially good for growing crops.
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uprawa (uprawiane rośliny)
They had no way to get their crop to market.
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plon, zbiory
riding crop, crop, riding crop
He tried to hit us with his crop, but he missed.
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wole (u ptaków)
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krótka fryzura (jeżyk)
This new crop of politicians seems to be even worse than the previous one.
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grupa, ekipa, zespół
crop up
I'll see you on Moday unless something crops up.
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pojawić się, pojawiać się (np. problem)
crop up
The issue has continued to crop up in the 2000s.
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pojawiać się, przewijać się (np. nazwisko, twarz)
The best of old Athens is here, among these outcrops.
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odkrywka, odsłonięcie
Cropping is used to decide what is left out in the final print.
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przycinanie (ucinanie fragmentów obrazka)
crop-spraying helicopter
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helikopter do opryskiwania pól
crop of hair
He appeared to be rather stout, and had a thick crop of hair.
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gąszcz włosów, masa włosów
closely cropped hair
He was a large, powerful-looking black man with closely cropped hair.
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krótko przycięte włosy
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krótko ostrzyżony, krótko przycięty
crop of something
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zbiór czegoś (np. owoców)
crop of something
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grupa czegoś (np. ludzi)
Eton crop
Then he said very severely that is not an Eton crop, Mademoiselle.
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fryzura "na pazia" (popularna w latach 20. XX w. wśród kobiet)
catch crop
Or, a catch crop can be planted between the spring harvest and fall planting of some crops.
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międzyplon (roślina uprawiana między dwoma plonami głównymi m.in. na zbiór zielonej masy)
crop top
Another has her in a little crop top, leaning on the hood of a hot rod.
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krótka bluzeczka do talii
hunting crop
Our party is complete," said Holmes, buttoning up his pea-jacket and taking his heavy hunting crop from the rack.
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harap (dawny bicz myśliwski)
bad crops
An empty pail is a sign of famine, or bad crops.
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słabe zbiory, nieurodzaj
Take a pail and bring some water on your way back.
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wiadro, kubeł
milking pail
He put the ball into his pocket and stepped spryly for the house to get the milking pails.
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skopek (wiaderko na mleko)
slop bucket, slop pail
There was a single slop bucket at night, set in the middle of the floor.
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kubeł na nieczystości
hand in one's dinner pail
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forage crops
But wheat is expensive and in short supply, dragging up prices for other forage crops.
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rośliny pastewne
crop-dusting, crop spraying
In those places crop spraying from the air is indispensable.
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opryskiwanie, opylanie (np. środkami owadobójczymi)
cream of the crop
It should be a show for the cream of the crop.
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czołówka (np. absolwentów)
crop production
As of 2005, several crop production models are in use.
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produkcja uprawna
crop circles
Crop circles are found in other parts of the globe, but not many.
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kręgi w zbożu
root crop
We happen to be living in something of a champagne region for this root crop.
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roślina korzeniowa
crop failure
Both the 1987 and 1989 crop failures followed good years.
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nieudane plony, niskie plony
bumper crop
The government insists a bumper crop will more than cover the nation's needs.
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rekordowy plon, rekordowy zbiór
crop duster, crop sprayer
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przyrząd do oprysków
crop duster, crop sprayer
The former airport is still in use by crop dusters.
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samolot do opryskiwania pól
cash crop
For some time after that, they were the major cash crop.
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uprawa rynkowa (na sprzedaż)
it is a fair crop
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złapałeś mnie (na robieniu czegoś, czego nie powinienem)
rotate the crops
By rotating the crops on a multi-year cycle, pests and diseases will decrease since the pests will no longer have a food supply to support their numbers.
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stosować płodozmian
cash crop farm
Even more common was cash crop farming through the use of forced labor.
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gospodarstwo towarowe
forced labour, forced labor
In parts of the world today, forced labour is still used.
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praca przymusowa
forced smile
I closed my eyes, then looked up at him with a forced smile.
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wymuszony uśmiech
three-field crop rotation
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force a smile
The other one stopped, came back and tried to force a smile.
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zmusić się do uśmiechu
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niezłomny, mężny
heart attack, cardiac infarction
You nearly gave me a heart attack.
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zawał serca
Members are usually small and more or less stoutly built.
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solidnie, mocno
They stood stoutly by the Party in the early days.
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zaciekle, mężnie
She intends it for the child, he told himself stoutly.
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His physical health deteriorated from that time on, leading to stoutness in later years.
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tusza, otyłość
She was only saved by the stoutness of her construction.
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Of absolute stoutness no nation has more or better examples.
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zaciekłość, zaciętość
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He was a solidly built, stout man.
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tęgi, korpulentny
On they went, through the room to the other side, where a small, stout door was let into the wall.
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mocny, solidny
Then he looked at the stout German and met his eyes.
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rozpocznij naukę
stout, porter (piwo)

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