Masterclass proficiency unit 1 page 10-13

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rozpocznij naukę
the belief that you are more important or have a higher value than other people
He's a modest, mild-mannered man, without a trace of ~~
far-off look
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describes a time that is a long way from the present, or in the distant past future
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soft loose flesh on someone's body
I've got to lose this ~~ on my belly
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a glittering flash of light
There was a ~~ in his eyes
burrow down
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dogrzebać się
hollow out
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to make an empty space inside something
Sand carried by the wind has ~~ed ~~ the base of the cliff
hang sth up
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to stop using and needing something because you have given up the sport or activity it's used for
So when did you ~~ ~~ up your boxing gloves/ballet shoes?
on the spot
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You can be sacked ~~ ~~ ~~ for stealing
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describes activities or events, especially unpleasant ones when they seem to continue for ever
Motherhood seemed to her an ~~ cycle of cooking, washing and cleaning
set down
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If a vehicle ~~s ~~ a passenger, it stops so that the passenger can get out
The taxi ~~ us ~~ a long way from our hotel, and we had to walk.
put off
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to decide or arrange to delay an event or activity until a later time or date
The meeting has been ~~ ~~ for a week.
clear out
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to tidy a place by getting rid of things that you do not want
If we ~~ ~~ the spare room, you can use it as a study.
break up
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to divide into many pieces, or to divide something into many pieces
The company has been ~~en ~~ and sold off.
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not showing serious or careful thought= disapproving
I think she found him physically quite attractive but a bit ~~
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to lack or be without something that is necessary or usual
Their apartment is ~~ of all comforts.
bring myself round
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to make someone become conscious again after being unconscious
I gave him a sniff of smelling salts to ~~ him ~~.
pick myself up
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to stand up when you fallen.
pull one's socks up
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to recover from something
count myself in
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to include someone in an activity or arrangement
"Do you want to come swimming tomorrow?" "Yes, ~~ me ~~."
put myself back
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to raise something, or to fix something in a raised position
I ~~ my hand ~~ to ask the teacher a question.
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a strong wish, especially one which is difficult or impossible to control
The two of them seem unable to control their sexual ~~s.
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to make an urgent, emotional statement or request for something
He was on his knees, ~~ing for mercy/forgiveness.
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enthusiastic, energetic, and often loudly expressed
a ~~ welcome, a ~~ laugh
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a line of light that shines from a bright object
The rabbit stopped, mesmerized by the ~~ of the car's headlights
rozpocznij naukę
shine brightly and suddenly; to move very fast; to communicate quickly
throw out
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get rid of
cut down
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reduce number, amount, eat less
cut down on sth
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to do less of something or use something in smaller amounts
I'm trying to ~~ ~~ ~~ caffeine.
stop off
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to visit or stay at a place for a short time when you are going somewhere else
I'll ~~ ~~ at the shops on my way home and get some wine.
turn back
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to return in the direction you have come from, or to make someone do this
We're lost - we'll have to ~~ ~~.
rozpocznij naukę
the posting of advertising or similar material to a lot of people at one time
rozpocznij naukę
the state of feeling healthy and happy
People doing yoga benefit from an increased feeling of ~-~-~.
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a large pipe, usually underground, which is used for carrying waste water and human waste, such as urine and solid waste, away from buildings to a place where they can be safely got rid of= kanał ściekowy
A complicated system of ~~s runs under the city.
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a tool or machine which makes holes
an electric/pneumatic ~~
press down
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rozpocznij naukę
an act of cleaning and smoothing something, or of drying a person or animal
a cold shower and a ~-~ with a towel
delve into
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to examine something carefully in order to discover more information about smn or sth; = ryć
It's not always a good to ~~ deeply ~~ into smn's past
dig up
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move soil/ come across information
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excitement and happiness
to hand sth over
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to gine sth to another person usually by hands to authoirty: police etc.
The soldiers were told to ~~ ~~ the guns
turn out
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take away
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remove sth
drawn in
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to do one good
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to have good effect
This massage will ~~ you ~~
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to strongly encourage or try to persuade smn to do sth
The government ~~ the prisoners not to riot
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when objects such as paintings are shown to the public
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to send air out of your lungs
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to become soft or to make sth soft
You can ~~ the butter by warming it gently
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to make smn feel calm or less worried= pain, crying baby,
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to bring peace, quiet, to satisfy or relief
~~s one's thirst
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happy that sth unpleasant had not happened or has ended
a new broom
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a new person in charge who makes changes
a wet blanket
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someone who does not want to join in and spoils the fun for everbody else
a stuffed shirt
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a pompous, self-opinionated person; someone who behave in a very formal and old-fashioned way and thinks that they are very important
a couch potato
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someone who likes to sit in comfort and do nothing
an armchair critic
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someone who expresses opinions about things they know very little about
a fair weather friend
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someone who stands by you only when thing are going well
a nosy parker
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a gossip who wants to know everything that happens to other ppl
a rolling stone
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smn who doesn't like to stay in one place
come in for something
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be exposed to something unpleasant
come down(heavily) on somebody
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criticise or punish harshly
come out with something
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say something surprising
come up with something
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produce an idea
come to the point
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avoid details and say what's important
come round
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regain consciousness
come round to something/ an idea
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change your opinion
come down with something
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catch an illness
come to terms with
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accept a situation as it is
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too serious and full of importance
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bending or able to be bent easily; not stiff= giętki
The gloves were made of very ~~ leather

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