słownik polsko - amerykański angielski

język polski - American English

pech ?:

1. bad luck

He seems to have had a lot of bad luck in his life. | 2. He’s had nothing but bad luck since moving to New York.

Amerykańskie angielski słowo "pech" (bad luck) występuje w zestawach:

Pratt 36 Lesson #1_8th November

2. tough luck

3. hard lines

Amerykańskie angielski słowo "pech" (hard lines) występuje w zestawach:

ang rozdział 9

4. misfortune

We do not know either what the other judges thought about their colleague's misfortune.
She suffered a good deal of misfortune over the years. It's unfair to take advantage of other people's misfortunes.

5. jinx

I thought we would win, but I didn't say so – I didn't want to jinx it.
you jinxed it!