słownik brazylijsko portugalski - angielski

Português brasileiro - English

de acordo com po angielsku:

1. according to according to

According to my teacher. Evrything went according to plan.
Sykes, according to the police, is usually accompanied by a fierce white dog.
according to regulations
according to my girlfriend you look stupid
according to my boss I am supid
Children are allocated to schools according to the area in which they live.
The process must take place according to the rules
Students are all put in different groups according to their ability.
You shouldn't judge him according to how much he earns.
They are divided into categories according to national standard.
The work was done according to her instructions
There were two kidnappers, according to him
You've been very ​rude, according to ​your ​mother
it all went according to plan
Did everything go according to plan? Well, according to the law, it's a crime. According to the timetable, the plane leaves in twenty minutes.

Angielskie słowo "de acordo com" (according to) występuje w zestawach:

20211116 BBC Lê Trabalho em casa
20211028 BBC Brasil Video 2
20210303 HW Link Vocab