Poor men have no leisure.
Everything I need for work or leisure is within my reach.
After examining the bear at leisure, I made a rush on him.
Leisure has been viewed as a means to an end.
Everyone has the right to rest and leisure, including reasonable limitation of working hours and periodic holidays with pay.
First you'll be asked if you're on business or leisure.
The insurance payments depend on the use intended (work or leisure).
I cannot study all the time and I try to spend my leisure in the best possible way.
English people usually spend their leisure time in pubs which are considered to be something of a national institution i the United Kingdom.
Mum doesn’t have a lot of leisure because she works so many hours.
Julia and I only have hobbies or leisure time that involves the children. And we would have it no other way
Based on the findings of the World Game, Fuller determined that the world’s resources are sufficiently vast that every single person on Earth can live comfortably—with adequate amounts of food, personal space, and leisure.
The leisure industry is sinking more money into new resorts.
The walking stick serves the purpose of an advertisement that the bearer's hands are employed otherwise than in useful effort, and it therefore has utility as an evidence of leisure.
Conspicuous consumption of valuable goods is a means of reputability to the gentleman of leisure.
Every now and then, I play tennis for recreation.
Playing go is my only recreation.
My favourite form of recreation is biking.
What do you do for recreation? His only recreation is watching TV.
The director of the school wants to close the canteen and create a new recreation room for the students.
The master plan includes programs to provide employment as well as recreation.
This park lends itself to recreation.
Time is allotted for work, recreation, and study.
Angielskie słowo "lazer" (recreation) występuje w zestawach:
férias e lazer e passatempo