słownik angielsko - angielski

English - English

baggage po angielsku:

1. a piece of a piece of

Why are you holding a piece of paper?
a piece of cake.

Angielskie słowo "baggage" (a piece of) występuje w zestawach:

Grammar ---> collocations

2. is is

Is he sleeping?
Democracy is the worst form of government, except all the others that have been tried.
The library is open from 9 a.m. to 8 p.m.
Water is liquid. When it freezes, it becomes solid.
From year to year, pollution is worsening.
I'd like to make a call to Tokyo, Japan. The number is 3202-5625.
According to this magazine, the economic situation in Japan is getting worse year by year.
Officially it is his responsibility, but in fact his secretary does all the work.
It is very difficult to persuade people to change their life style.
You cannot enter the museum. It is currently under repair.
My interest in politics is strictly academic.
The government's economic policy is credited for Japan's postwar economic success.
It is because light travels faster than sound that we see lightning before we hear thunder.
Zürich is considered to be a major financial hub.
A good biography is interesting and instructive.

Angielskie słowo "baggage" (is) występuje w zestawach:

Invariably singular &plural non-count nouns

3. past experience that influences how the person is in the present past experience that influences how the person is in the present

Angielskie słowo "baggage" (past experience that influences how the person is in the present) występuje w zestawach:

Advanced English words that start with "B"

4. lost lost

Get lost!
During the Depression in the 1930's, many wealthy people lost everything in the stock market crash.
He who hesitates is lost.
Make sure you stick together so no one gets lost.
Are you certain that you lost your book, or did you merely misplace it?
After she lost her job, she couldn't afford to feed her dogs, so she gave them away.
Nicholas Biddle began to see that the battle was lost.
I have tried every diet that has ever been published and I still haven't lost weight.
How do you console a woman who has just lost her only child?
She gets lost really easily. She's got no sense of direction.
The Nikkei Stock Average lost nearly 200 points to close yesterday at 18,000.
Since I lost a little weight, my belt got loose.
Why were 14,000 soldiers lost?
Tom lost the shopping list his mother had given him and just bought things he wanted to eat.
She hasn't come here yet. I am afraid she may have lost her way.

Angielskie słowo "baggage" (lost) występuje w zestawach:


5. allowance allowance

I'm going to give you a year's worth of allowance all at once.
I approached my father about an increase in allowance.
Father advanced me a week's allowance.
non-contributory pension allowance
It's not a question of tax allowance but of moral exhaustion.
The day after tomorrow I will urge my mother to leave an allowance of 10000 yen at my disposal.
It should be noted that the duty continues after a notice of allowance is mailed and the issue fee is paid.
Why am I not allowed to spend my allowance (pocket money)?
allowance = pocket money. You only get an allowance for the house you're living in. My parents have given me an allowance for the next few weeks.
Fold the T shirt from side to side, leaving an inch allowance as shown.
You'll need to add baggage allowance.
you will get special allowance if you shop now
500 + program is an allowance.
The perks of the job include a company pension and a generous travel allowance.
He was paid one million dollars in retirement allowance.