słownik angielsko - angielski

English - English

compose po angielsku:

1. decompose decompose

Vegetables must not be soaked in water, because then vitamins are decomposed.
decompose – or break down

Angielskie słowo "compose" (decompose) występuje w zestawach:

Word Formation (opposition)

2. C C

You have to get above a "C" in the class.
I didn't let on to my parents that I got a C on the English test.
My uncle lived in Washington, D. C. for two years.
The thermometer reads 10C.
The Esperanto alphabet has 28 letters: a, b, c, ĉ, d, e, f, g, ĝ, h, ĥ, i, j, ĵ, k, l, m, n, o, p, r, s, ŝ, t, u, ŭ, v, z.
H is not pronounced in Spanish unless it is preceded by "c."
We can eliminate C and D since they are irrelevant to the generation of the arcs.
It is highly probable that the deletion of element C will still yield the same result.
When I first took a C course, I couldn't understand a single thing explained in class. Thank God I got a friend of mine who's a programmer to explain to me how the whole caboodle works.
Every time I attempt to teach myself C++, I get stuck on pointers.
It is generally assumed that fundamental constants such as c have the same value throughout spacetime, meaning that they do not depend on location and do not vary with time.
What do you need a 2000°C furnace for?
Numerous violent and sudden casualties among C++ developers are caused by segmentation faults every year.
I'd like to ask a grammarian, isn't it possible to think of 'be + participle' like you do V C and such?
C is formed by reacting A with B.

Angielskie słowo "compose" (C) występuje w zestawach:

Gmail keyboard shortcuts

3. components components

The Korean vocabulary is composed of three components: native words, Sino-Korean words and loanwords.
The components obtained by distillation of coal tar are as shown below.
In this kanji we have only two components.

4. decomposing

Angielskie słowo "compose" (decomposing) występuje w zestawach:

Word Formation (Year 3)

5. to write a piece of music

6. composition

You'll have this composition written by noon tomorrow, won't you?
They say amniotic fluid has roughly the same composition as sea water.
Have you finished writing your composition?
She studies composition at music college.
This composition is so badly written than I can not make out what he means.
David has a keen interest in aesthetics — the qualities that make a painting, sculpture, musical composition, or poem pleasing to the eye, ear, or mind.
She is excellent in composition.
Literary composition is a great achievement that concerns the ruling of a state, a splendid affair of eternal standing.
Since we've gotten talking about Shakespeare... have you already read his composition?
Naturally we cannot influence the order composition
a composition by jazzman Dave Brubeck, I had to write a composition about the Royal visit, essay
Composition of a song takes a lot of time. (Kompozycja piosenki zajmuje dużo czasu.) Prepare three different compositions. (Przygotuj trzy różne kompozycje.)
in the composition of Company's Management Board
You don't have to write out a clean copy of your composition.
Mary received an award for her composition called "Secret love".

Angielskie słowo "compose" (composition) występuje w zestawach:

Word formation nouns

7. composure

He soon recovered his composure.
I think that what is needed to deal with this problem is maturity, the right attitude and composure.
He has lost his composure under the pressure of the situation.

8. draw up

He had a solicitor draw up his will.
draw up (= prepare and write) a proposal and present it to the client
Government, companies, and even sometimes individuals, have to draw up budges in order to estimate their future income and expenses.
I need to draw up a new offer.
The European Commission and the Member States must draw up an action plan to this end.
Our lawyers are going to draw up a new contract tomorrow.
i draw up my shirt becouse it is to long
You should draw up an apology letter.

Angielskie słowo "compose" (draw up) występuje w zestawach:

Management vocabulary ecercise 2