słownik angielsko - angielski

English - English

instances po angielsku:

1. cases cases

They are the extreme cases.
Both quantity and quality are important in most cases.
The police are reluctant to pursue criminal charges in medical cases.
Although it is not a bad thing in itself, in a lot of cases, many people are watching too much television.
cassette tapes= small plastic cases with audiotape on reels inside them
Businesses perceive as competitors a narrow range of the business world; there are many cases where they don't understand their real rivals.
When indicating 'tense' in Chinese, as shown above, there are 'particles', 'time-specifying words' and also many cases where it depends on context.
In many cases, the image that comes to mind when you listen to music is that of the CD's artwork.
In such cases, adults should not scold them instantly, but be patient with them, considering their mental growth.
In most cases, people, even the most vicious, are much more naive and simple-minded than we assume them to be. And this is true of ourselves too.
'That' has only the two cases, nominative and objective, and it does not inflect depending on the case.
With 19 cases of death forming over 20% of the whole, the grave reality of overwork-deaths has been thrown into relief.
It is normal practise to contact the company's home office in these kinds of cases.
It is the border-line cases that are always in danger: the dignified buildings of the past which may possess no real artistic or historic value, but which people have become sentimentally attached to and have grown to love.

Angielskie słowo "instances" (cases) występuje w zestawach:

the A to Z alternative words
#2 wejściówka ([nie]formalne)

2. instant

This instant soup comes in individual packets.
Do you intend to throw away in one instant what our family has painstakingly built up?
Instant noodles are a staple among college students.
I had instant noodles as a midnight snack.
One instant.
Last night I was too tired to cook a proper meal, so I just ate instant noodles.
The act known as terrorism, that rips away from us in an instant our peaceful days of happiness, is certainly worthy of being called an enemy to all mankind.
But in return they get a clear look at important games, and if they miss something, they can always rely on the commentator's description or the instant replay.
Our company is going to be left behind too if we don't create an environment in which we can get instant Internet access.
The next instant Hercules caught hold of the monster.
The attraction between Emma and Rob had been mutual and instant.
I think she felt an instant aversion to my wife.
instantly = natychmiast
When she used the cream, she saw an instant improvement in her skin.
Is it really wise for marketing folks to satisfy people's desire for instant gratification?