słownik angielsko - angielski

English - English

mere po angielsku:

1. only

Only time will tell.
When applying to American universities, your TOEFL score is only one factor.
The only trouble I've ever had was dealing with people who didn't like my personality.
It's presumptuous for humans to assume that our task is to do what only God can do.
Only those who risk going too far will know how far one can go.
Although rainforests make up only two percent of the earth's surface, over half the world's wild plant, animal and insect species live there.
Roger Miller's father died when he was only one year old and his mother became sick soon after, so he was sent to live with his uncle in Erick, Oklahoma.
Life would be infinitely happier if we could only be born at the age of eighty and gradually approach eighteen.
She's only two years old, but she can already count to 100.
The only limit to our realization of tomorrow will be our doubts of today.
The only thing on the table that I normally wouldn't eat is that stuff on the yellow plate.
Questioned about his policies, the candidate gave only vague answers.
Tom's criminal record consists of only two drunken driving citations.
You say I should know him quite well, but as a matter of fact, I was introduced to him only last week.
Plenty of opportunities will present themselves, if only you are awake to them.

2. simply

He lived simply.
Any man who can drive safely while kissing a pretty lady is simply not giving the kiss the attention it deserves.
Instead of being here to work, you get the sense that he's simply a permanent fixture here.
This is why Tatoeba is multilingual. But not that kind of multilingual. Not the kind where languages are simply being paired up together, and where some pairs are left behind.
Still others simply travel around America in recreational vehicles, seeing parts of the country they had been too busy to see before.
I, Stallone, am not such as to be scared simply of being the guinea pig for some test.
Simply follow the instructions below, and in no time you will be printing full color documents just as easily and quickly as black and white.
Wars don't simply start like winter starts, but rather it is people that start a war.
Immaculate conception simply means that the Virgin Mary herself was born without original sin. Virgin birth is how Christ came about.
Simply put in a sample of your urine and the computer will diagnose your problem and tell you what you can do about it.
Они просто не знают|They simply don’t know
In Paris they simply stared when I spoke to them in French; I never did succeed in making those idiots understand their own language.
Philadelphia's nickname, "the City of Brotherly Love," is simply a translation from the Greek roots of the city's name.

Angielskie słowo "mere" (simply) występuje w zestawach:

U2 explain in English

3. used for emphasizing that something is small

4. only this

Angielskie słowo "mere" (only this) występuje w zestawach:

We should all grow fat and be happy

5. normal

He's just a normal junior high school student, not particularly intelligent.
That's dead normal.
Though it is true that every normal human being is able to use language, it is misleading to compare this with his ability to eat, sleep, or walk.
A normal person might spend a lifetime at it and still not succeed but faced with a determined Ren it was not greatly different from a normal cylinder lock.
In other aspects, the results of Laowang's health examination were all quite normal; it was just that his blood pressure was a bit high.
Some people are apt to think of their own way of life as the normal one and to look down on life-styles that differ from it.
The lock itself is a normal cylinder lock so it doesn't automatically lock when you shut the door.
It's an anime about a normal Japanese schoolboy who married his alien teacher. Things like this happen in Japan.
Normal sleep is made up of two phases.
Freddy's been working the graveyard shift the past month, so he hasn't been able to see any of his friends who work normal hours.
Obviously a normal woman would lose interest if she saw a book like that!
Tomorrow there will be no normal lessons, in view of the athletic meet rehearsal.
This indigenous god needs water to have a normal life, move and talk, or its body will turn back into immovable stone.
Instead of giving the money, that is the normal coin of the realm, which is the phrase that everyone used then, they would give them a token, and this token might be metal, might be wood, might be cardboard.
It gave her quite a shock, and she didn't want to talk about anything for a while. I think it'll be a while before she's back to normal.