słownik angielsko - angielski

English - English

to be part or to make something or someone be part of something po angielsku:

1. integrate integrate

We want to integrate the new technology into the product.
A whole range of clothes will be developed that can integrate electronics with fabrics.
It takes time to integrate into a new country.
•After a few weeks of training he was fully integrated into the team. •There are plans to integrate the two schools.
integrate /ˈɪntɪɡreɪt; US / verb 1 [transitive] integrate sth (into sth); integrate A and B/integrate A with B to join things so that they become one thing or work together The two small schools were integrated into one large one.

Angielskie słowo "to be part or to make something or someone be part of something" (integrate) występuje w zestawach:

TOEFL - Most important words 276 - 300