Robert returned from Austria with his arm in plaster.
Don't put o plaster on it
My walls and ceiling were plastered and at some point covered with wallpaper.
I've cut my finger and I need to put plaster on it
Ah, well I've bandaged it for the meantime but if that's awkward then it's fine to replace it with a plaster when you get home.
On Christmas day, Tom still had his right leg in plaster.
Straw will rot if exposed to moisture, so to keep it dry, both interior and exterior surfaces are sealed with plaster, stucco, or adobe.
You have to wait for the plaster to dry
He slammed the door so hard that some of the plaster fell off the ceiling
The plaster on the walls was cracked and flaking.
he has a leg in plaster
Definition if you have an arm or leg in plaster, it is covered in a solid substance that makes a sleeve to protect a broken bone while it is recovering. The sleeve is called a plaster cast and is made from plaster of
We will have to give the walls a coat of plaster before we can paint them because they are so uneven.
Ouch! I cut my finger! Have you got a plaster?
He saw a small plaster on her left knee.
Angielskie słowo "le pansement" (plaster) występuje w zestawach:
Health - La santé2.
The doctor said we have to change the dressing pretty often at first.
I want Italian dressing on my salad.
The bus had left by the time my wife finished dressing.
Have you finished dressing?
The claim of community involvement is just window dressing; City Hall will do what it wants to anyhow.
The reduced price of luxury goods is just window dressing to make the new consumption tax look better.
She aided her daughter in dressing.
Kate is dressing her doll.
Not dressing warmly in winter can result in catching a bad cold.
My sister spends too much time dressing.
I arrived outside the dressing room.
I want to get the word out - even if you don't have a lot of clothes you can enjoy dressing more fashionably by mixing and matching.
This salad dressing is a bit sour.
dressing applied to a wound to promote healing and prevent further harm
Tom Skeleton, the ancient stage doorkeeper, sat in his battered armchair, listening as the actors came up the stone stairs from their dressing rooms.
Angielskie słowo "le pansement" (dressing) występuje w zestawach:
les medicaments!