słownik japońsko - angielski

日本語, にほんご - English

うぬぼれた po angielsku:

1. Concealed Concealed

He concealed the fact from me.
He concealed the fact that he had divorced his wife.
Tom concealed his pistol under his coat.
He concealed the file in what he thought was a safe place.
She concealed the change in her feelings toward him.
The weapons were concealed in the bottom of his baggage.
Her laugh was a lie that concealed her sorrow.
The rebel concealed his ambition to destroy the regime.
... the power that is concealed within the present moment.
Dense bushes concealed him.
Mrs Cockburn concealed her name lest the knowledge of her sex and youth should produce a prejudice against her work.
It's foul of you to have concealed it.
The work of art that says something confronts us itself. That is, it expresses something in such a way that what is said is like a discovery, a disclosure of something previously concealed.
There is nothing concealed that will not be revealed.
This type of noun phrase is called a "concealed question".