słownik łotewsko - angielski

latviešu valoda - English

noteikt po angielsku:

1. to identify to identify

If you could start to move that, to identify what you're up against, you're going to do things a hell of a lot better.
She was so shocked that she wasn't able to identify her attacker.

Angielskie słowo "noteikt" (to identify) występuje w zestawach:

Top 500 Latvian verbs 351 - 400

2. to determine

You also need to determine how you'll arrive at each destination.
We are unable to determine his position.
to determine the details

Angielskie słowo "noteikt" (to determine) występuje w zestawach:

Top 500 Latvian verbs 401 - 450

3. to define

It's these rules that help define who we are. / 2. She doesn't need other people to define who she is. / 3. I don't need other people to define who I am. / 4. How can I define it?