he's got beads in his hair.
I made this necklace by myself out of some old beads.
Alcohol flows freely, too, and almost any desire of the flesh can be indulged for a modest fee (sometimes payable in cheap plastic beads).
The hooded clouds, like friars, tell their beads in drops of rain.
The son of Heaven, when sacrificing, wore the cap decorated with twelve pendants of jade beads hanging down before and behind, and the robe embroidered with dragons.
Angielskie słowo "Koraliki" (beads) występuje w zestawach:
unit. 5 kl. 6 (prawdziwe)Słownictwo frekwencyjne: 6000 - 7000Anne of green gables ❄️szkolololo i jest gitAnne of green gables ❄️