The cow gave birth to a calf with two heads.
The cow kept a watchful eye on her calf when it started to wander away on its own.
Tom branded the calf.
The footballer got a cramp in his calf while he was running.
I pulled my calf muscle running.
The cow cast her calf.
Angielskie słowo "cielaczek" (calf) występuje w zestawach:
Kartkówka Kasia2.
What's your favorite chick flick?
She's a hot chick.
A baby bird is called a chick.
Who's that chick by the door?
Aren't you that chick from that film?
I invited that chick to my baskteball game.
... big meal, to their chick who is waiting for...
She hovers over that child like a hen with one chick.
This chick is like a shrimp: I like everything about her but her head.
You see that chick over there? I got a boner just from looking at her.