flexible hours
We don't have to work from 9 to 5 everyday. We've got flexible hours.
I work flexible hours, which is good for me.
If I understand the situation correctly, this is about the Customer Service staff wanting to have the same working hours as management, ie flexible hours.
Angielskie słowo "elastyczne godziny" (flexible hours) występuje w zestawach:
JUST THE JOB - UNIT 6 - WORD LISTAngielski zawodowy cz. ILesson 6 - 21.10.2021unit 6 just the jobEntrepreneur's game2.
flexible working hours
I don't get late for work because I have flexible working hours
The office hours are from 9 till 5 o'clock but you've got flexible working hours.
Angielskie słowo "elastyczne godziny" (flexible working hours) występuje w zestawach:
dział 7 cz 1