słownik polsko - angielski

język polski - English

odejdź po angielsku:

1. Go away Go away

I want to go away for the weekend. I need a break.
I have been ignoring you in the hope you'd go away.
If you take an aspirin, your headache will go away.
You can't go away from her, she'll kill herself.
Please tell him to go away.
Just go away and leave me alone.

Angielskie słowo "odejdź" (Go away) występuje w zestawach:

Fiszki strona 16 i 17
Jingle's Christmas Adventure
Unit 3 Lesson 2 A sports story
Słow. - phrasal verbs 1
Test z rozdziału

2. head off

But before you head off to Patagonia, could you remind us of some of the English words we've heard today?
I’ve got to head off because I’m meeting Kay in ten minutes at the bank.
We'll have to head off soon.

Angielskie słowo "odejdź" (head off) występuje w zestawach:

useful vicabulary test 2
prxykładowy arkusz 2013
Angielski kurs
ready for first

3. go went gone

Angielskie słowo "odejdź" (go went gone) występuje w zestawach:

Irregular Verbs

4. get behind

I have to stay late today. I don't want to get behind with my work.
Today we made them get behind and they had to force things.

Angielskie słowo "odejdź" (get behind) występuje w zestawach:

angielski z Emma Get 05.05.21