słownik polsko - angielski

język polski - English

przednia szyba po angielsku:

1. windscreen windscreen

She brushed the leaves off the windscreen of her car.
A stone shattered my windscreen. windshield
a windscreen is a sheet of glass at the front or back of a car that the driver can see through
My face was mauled when the windscreen broke, but the skin has already started to heal.
A stone shattered my windscreen.
He peered through the windscreen. She brushed the leaves off the windscreen of her car.
How can you see anything through this filthy windscreen?
You have to wipe the windscreen - it`s very dirty!
She switched the wipers on to clear the windscreen.
Hail can cause serve damage to the windscreen
Windscreen wipers haven't any utility against ice.
Someone broke the windscreen of my new car.
The windscreen is the large glass window at the front of a vehicle.

Angielskie słowo "przednia szyba" (windscreen) występuje w zestawach:

Słówka do egzaminu cz. VI
E Dla Średnio Zaawansowanych 3 B2
Słówka - Matura ang. roz.
Angielski part III

2. front glass front glass

Angielskie słowo "przednia szyba" (front glass) występuje w zestawach:

angielski sprawdzian 2
c1 level to December
Podrozowanie i turystyka
podrozowanie 2
Nazwy części

3. windshield windshield

Should I clean your windshield?
The car's antenna is built into the windshield.
The windshield of my car was broken.
I used my windshield wiper to clean the snow on my window.
The German word "Scheibenwischer" means "windshield wiper".
The salesman claimed the windshield was unbreakable, testing it with a punch that went straight through it.

Angielskie słowo "przednia szyba" (windshield) występuje w zestawach:

Angielski Zawodowy tematy 5-8
Piotre driver
Friends S01E01
Friends 6 (5)