słownik polsko - angielski

język polski - English

wypełniony czymś po angielsku:

1. filled with filled with

Suitcase filled with money
They go to dark underground placed filled with bats and scorpions.

Angielskie słowo "wypełniony czymś" (filled with) występuje w zestawach:

Common verbs, adjectives and nouns with the prepos...
wojenne konie

2. replete with

That was his last mistake in a day replete with them.
these houses were meant to come replete with all mod-cons and open spaces in a privileged zone of tranquility

Angielskie słowo "wypełniony czymś" (replete with) występuje w zestawach:

Money can buy happiness

3. fraught with

The situation, then, was complex and fraught with difficulties

4. filled with something

5. fill with something

6. strewn with something