słownik rosyjsko - angielski

русский язык - English

преобразовывать po angielsku:

1. to convert

2. transform

The movie transformed Amy from an unknown schoolgirl into a star. The movie transformed Amy from an unknown schoolgirl into a star.
Most schools were designed not to transform society, but to reproduce it.
They're going to transform the company
Within weeks they had transformed the area into a beautiful garden.
This year, Edinburgh began work on its fifteen-year regeneration project to transform its waterfront and provide a new kind of living area for its growing population.
Jill of the Jungle could transform into a phoenix, a frog, or a fish. The fish and the phoenix could both fire unlimited projectiles.
Oh, right, you're a werewolf, aren't you? "I'm mixed blood, so I don't transform or anything."
Our minds transform experiences into symbols.
Technology has transformed our working lives.
A new haircut and you've been transformed from a girl into a woman!
Our new boss has completely transformed this company.
I watched a film in which a girl transformed into a vampire.
Having a baby has transformed my life.
This movie will transform your way of perceiving the world.
Over the next fifteen years, architects, planners and community developers will work together to transform 346 acres of industrial wasteland into 6,500 homes, two shopping centres, a marina, a primary school and college, and parkland.

3. to turn

You need to turn left to get to the nearest cash machine.
Don't forget to turn right.

4. to transmute