Rooms in the house in Galician

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Pytanie Odpowiedź
rooms in the house
rozpocznij naukę
habitacións na casa (
living room
rozpocznij naukę
salón (m.)
rozpocznij naukę
cuarto (m.)
rozpocznij naukę
baño (f.)
rozpocznij naukę
cociña (f.)
rozpocznij naukę
recibidor (m.)
dining room
rozpocznij naukę
comedor (m.)
rozpocznij naukę
xardín (m.)
rozpocznij naukę
soto (m.)
rozpocznij naukę
escaleira (f.)
rozpocznij naukę
balcón (m.)

Learn Rooms in the house in Galician

Study the basic vocabulary in Galician! The magic of language learning is that you never know when you will need this word or phrase that you just learned! Get to know Rooms in the house in Galician and never forget it again nor let it stay at the tip of your tongue! Let's get started with Rooms in the house and take a look at this outstanding language! Our audio recordings will help you get the Galician pronunciation and the images next to each word will make the whole learning process fast!

Why should I learn Galician?

Speaking Galician will let you read books that aren't translated into English and simply make you smarter! Moreover you will get to impress your colleagues by speaking Galician! If the reasons above are not enough for you to start learning Galician language, think of it as a challenge. Whenever you learn a foreign language, you activate the area in your brain responsible for remembering.

How to learn Galician for good

Our language learning app will take care of your vocabulary in Galician by scheduling repetitions of the words in Galician you did not know making you remember more in less time.

Learn Galician fast and efficiently!

You hated taking Galician classes? Your Galician professor wasn't structured enough? Try flashcards with VocApp and learn Galician without a professor! Our flashcards will make speaking in Galician simple and enjoyable!

Other lessons in Galician for you

Make sure to have a look to other courses in Galician and try our many other courses about Galician too. You should start with Rooms in the house in Galician at this very moment!

Learn 5 minutes a day and remember even 90% of the vocabulary.

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