Unit 4

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Pytanie English Odpowiedź English
a far cry from
rozpocznij naukę
very different from something
a world of difference between
rozpocznij naukę
when two things are really different from one another
rozpocznij naukę
when other people do not know who you are or what your name is
rozpocznij naukę
against letting a formal group of people have power in a society
rozpocznij naukę
bootcut jeans and trousers become slightly wider at the end of each leg
bowler hat
rozpocznij naukę
a hard round black hat that businessmen sometimes wear
carbon copy of
rozpocznij naukę
someone or something that is very similar to another person or thing
catch up with
rozpocznij naukę
to improve and reach the same standard as other people in your class, group, etc.
cause an uproar
rozpocznij naukę
to make a lot of noise or angry protest about something
challenge the norm
rozpocznij naukę
when something is not in accordance with tradition
come to nothing
rozpocznij naukę
if a plan or action comes to nothing, it does not continue or does not achieve anything
come up against
rozpocznij naukę
to have to deal with problems or difficulties
compatible (with)
rozpocznij naukę
if two pieces of computer equipment of software are compatible, they can be used together, especially when they are made by different companies
rozpocznij naukę
to consist of particular parts, groups, etc.
consistent (with)
rozpocznij naukę
if a fact, idea, etc. is consistent with another one, it seems to match it
rozpocznij naukę
a very strong belief or opinion
rozpocznij naukę
someone who opposes change and refuses to accept new ideas
rozpocznij naukę
a complete lack of respect that you show for someone or something because you think they are not important or good enough
rozpocznij naukę
embroidered clothes are decorated by sewing a pattern, picture, or words on it with coloured threads
equivalent (to)
rozpocznij naukę
having the same value, purpose, job, etc. as a person or thing of a different kind
rozpocznij naukę
available or belonging only to particular people, and not shared
face up to
rozpocznij naukę
to accept and deal with a difficult fact or problem
rozpocznij naukę
losing colour or brightness
fit in
rozpocznij naukę
to be accepted by the other people in a group
rozpocznij naukę
wider at the bottom
rozpocznij naukę
not completely belonging to or accepted by a group of people who share the same job, activities, etc.
get away with
rozpocznij naukę
to not be caught or punished when you have done something wrong
get caught up in
rozpocznij naukę
become involved in something that one had not planned on becoming involved in
get my head round
rozpocznij naukę
to be able to figure something out
get out of
rozpocznij naukę
to avoid doing something you have promised to do or are supposed to do
get round to
rozpocznij naukę
to do something that you have been intending to do for some time
get sth spot on
rozpocznij naukę
to do something absolutely correct
get wound up
rozpocznij naukę
to be anxious, worried, or excited
go further than that
rozpocznij naukę
used to introduce an opinion that is stronger than the previous one
go in for
rozpocznij naukę
to do an examination or take part in a competition
go on about
rozpocznij naukę
to keep talking about something, in a way that is boring or annoying
go on at
rozpocznij naukę
to keep complaining to someone or asking someone to do something, especially when this annoys them
rozpocznij naukę
a pattern of straight lines that cross each other and form squares
hand sb sth on a plate
rozpocznij naukę
to let someone get or achieve something easily, without much effort from them
have a take on sth
rozpocznij naukę
to have an interesting approach
identical (to)
rozpocznij naukę
exactly the same, or very similar
indistinguishable (from)
rozpocznij naukę
things that are indistinguishable are so similar that you cannot see any difference between them
rozpocznij naukę
the qualities that make someone or something different from other things or people
rozpocznij naukę
a situation that is unusual or amusing because something strange happens, or the opposite of what is expected happens or is true
live up to
rozpocznij naukę
if something or someone lives up to a particular standard or promise, they do as well as they were expected to, do what they promised, etc.
rozpocznij naukę
the most usual ideas or methods, or the people who have these ideas or methods
rozpocznij naukę
someone who does not accept the ways of thinking or behaving accepted by most other people in their society or group
rozpocznij naukę
the usual or normal situation, way of doing something, etc.
on the same/a different wavelength
rozpocznij naukę
to have the same or different opinions and feelings as someone else
rozpocznij naukę
your peers are the people who are the same age as you, or who have the same type of job, social class, etc.
rozpocznij naukę
a pleated skirt, dress, etc. has a lot of flat narrow folds
rozpocznij naukę
an exaggerated sense of one’s importance, intelligence or high class
rozpocznij naukę
to claim to be or do something, even if this is not true
rozpocznij naukę
a long search for something that is difficult to find
read up on
rozpocznij naukę
to read a lot about something because you will need to know about it
rozpocznij naukę
deliberately not obeying people in authority or rules of behaviour
rozpocznij naukę
with holes
rozpocznij naukę
dirty and untidy
rozpocznij naukę
shabby clothes, places, or objects are untidy and in bad condition because they have been used for a long time
rozpocznij naukę
a skimpy dress, skirt, etc. is very short and does not cover very much
spitting image of
rozpocznij naukę
to look exactly like someone else
rozpocznij naukę
an opinion that is stated publicly
stand out (from)
rozpocznij naukę
to be very easy to see or notice
stand up for
rozpocznij naukę
to support or defend a person or idea when they are being attacked
stay away from
rozpocznij naukę
to not go near or become involved with someone
stay buried
rozpocznij naukę
to be secret
rozpocznij naukę
attractive in a fashionable way
rozpocznij naukę
a particular group of people within a society and their behaviour, beliefs and activities
rozpocznij naukę
something that is synonymous with something else is considered to be very closely connected with it
the mind boggles
rozpocznij naukę
if your mind boggles when you think of something, it is difficult for you to imagine or accept it
rozpocznij naukę
a particular way of behaving, dressing, etc. by which someone or something can be easily recognized
up your game
rozpocznij naukę
to make an effort to improve the way you do something
usher in
rozpocznij naukę
to cause something new to start, or to be at the start of something new
rozpocznij naukę
to become gradually less strong or less important
rozpocznij naukę

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