Article #49 Vegetables

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Vegetables are very good for you.
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Legumes são muito bons para você.
They say that you should have three servings of vegetables every day.
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Eles dizem que você deve comer três porções de vegetais todos os dias.
I like green peas.
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Eu gosto de ervilhas.
Peas come in pods.
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Ervilhas vêm em vagens.
I also like snow peas.
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Eu também gosto de ervilhas.
You eat the pods on the snow peas.
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Você come as vagens nas ervilhas.
I like corn when it is on the cob.
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Eu gosto de milho quando está na espiga.
Carrots are good to eat raw.
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Cenouras são boas para comer cru.
Beans are good for you.
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Feijão é bom para você.
There are many different types of beans.
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Existem muitos tipos diferentes de grãos.
There are string beans, kidney beans, baked beans and lots of other types of beans.
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Existem feijões, feijões, feijões cozidos e muitos outros tipos de feijão.
Some people don't like green vegetables like broccoli and Brussels sprouts.
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Algumas pessoas não gostam de vegetais verdes como brócolis e couve de Bruxelas.
I like broccoli and Brussels sprouts.
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Eu gosto de brócolis e couve de Bruxelas.
You can make a salad and put lots of different vegetables into the salad.
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Você pode fazer uma salada e colocar muitos vegetais diferentes na salada.
In my salads, I like lettuce, tomatoes, celery, cucumber, radishes, cauliflower and spring onions.
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Nas minhas saladas, gosto de alface, tomate, aipo, pepino, rabanete, couve-flor e cebolinha.
I try to have a salad with dressing on it every day.
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Eu tento comer uma salada com molho todos os dias.
My dad likes root vegetables like beets and parsnips.
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Meu pai gosta de vegetais de raiz, como beterraba e pastinaga.
My brother will only eat potatoes.
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Meu irmão só come batatas.
He likes his potatoes baked.
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Ele gosta de batatas assadas.
My mother likes to buy her vegetables at the market.
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Minha mãe gosta de comprar legumes no mercado.
She says they are fresher there.
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Ela diz que eles são mais frescos lá.
My mother buys a lot of onions.
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Minha mãe compra muitas cebolas.
She puts onions in almost all the meals that she cooks.
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Ela coloca cebolas em quase todas as refeições que ela cozinha.
Some children won't eat their vegetables.
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Algumas crianças não comem vegetais.
I didn't like some vegetables at first, but I have become used to them.
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Eu não gostei de alguns legumes no começo, mas me acostumei com eles.
I like having vegetables with my meals.
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Eu gosto de comer legumes nas minhas refeições.

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