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She's been jobless for almost a year now.
rozpocznij naukę
by law
By law, seatbelts must be worn by all passengers.
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zgodnie z prawem
[noun] - a large area of land that has never been developed or used for growing crops because it is very difficult to live there
The eremite lives alone in the wilderness.
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dzicz, dzika przestrzeń
Pustelnik żyje samotnie w dziczy.
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zapuszczone, niedbale ubrany
[adjective] - connected with human existence
Existential questions refer to fundamental issues of life.
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resumption of
We are hoping for a resumption of negotiations between the two sides.
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wznowienie, powrót, kontynuacja
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zapasowy, niewielki, skąpy
[adjective] - sudden, very great and often surprising
There has been a dramatic increase in the number of unemployed people.
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dramatyczny, nagły
at once
I knew at once that he wasn't telling the truth.
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od razu, natychmiast
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przepiękny, wspaniały, oszałamiający
Her boyfriend broke up with her because she was getting too possessive.
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Jej chłopak z nią zerwał, bo robiła się zbyt zaborcza.
to blanch
[verb] - to turn pale, for example because you are shocked or scared
When she realized who was on the phone, she blanched.
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There was a very awkward pause after Yasmin announced she was leaving her job.
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niezgrabny, niezdarny, niezręczny
Po tym jak Yasmin oznajmiła, że odchodzi z pracy, nastąpiła bardzo niezręczna przerwa.
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on time
Remember to come on time.
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Pamiętaj, żeby przyjść punktualnie.
The woman is very slender. She doesn't eat very much.
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Ta kobieta jest bardzo szczupła. Nie je zbyt dużo.
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to kick-start
[verb] - to make something start to happen, happen more quickly or improve
Interest rates were lowered to kick-start the economy.
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Simon looks hefty next to his petite wife.
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potężny, masywny (zwalistej budowy)
Simon wygląda potężnie przy swojej drobniutkiej żonie
She has terminal cancer.
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nieuleczalnie chory
Ona ma nieuleczalnego raka.
[noun] - a person's job
Please write your name, age and occupation below.
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She is a quintuple winner of the tournament.
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Jest pięciokrotną zwyciężczynią turnieju.
The lone skier was getting away from the approaching avalanche.
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Samotny narciarz uciekał przed zbliżającą się lawiną.
[adjective] - bigger than normal
We ordered supersize portions of fries for our kids.
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duży rozmiar, powiększony
in sight
He was so hungry that he ate everything in sight.
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wgląd, w zasięgu zwrotu
plea for
The child's parents made a desperate plea for help.
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prośba o, apel, wołanie, błaganie
Sheila is quite a busty woman.
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o wydatnych piersiach
Sheila jest kobietą o całkiem dużym biuście
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tyczkowaty, wysoki i chudy
[adjective] - very happy or proud, especially because you have succeeded in doing something
Crowds of exultant people waved flags and danced.
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by chance
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przez przypadek
We need to buy some portable speakerphones.
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Musimy kupić kilka przenośnych telefonów głośnomówiących.
Ever the observant passenger, Michelle noticed the hole in the road before Sam did.
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uważny, spostrzegawczy
Spostrzegawcza pasażerka, Michelle, dostrzegła dziurę w jezdni wcześniej niż Sam.
[noun] - a written document signed by a large number of people that asks somebody in a position of authority to do or change something
I signed the petition to stop the building from being demolished because it's one of my favourite places in town.
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Podpisałem petycję przeciw wyburzeniu budynku, ponieważ to jedno z moich ulubionych miejsc w mieście.
Their passionate kiss was abruptly interrupted by the entrance of his wife.
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Ich namiętny pocałunek został gwałtownie przerwany wejściem jego żony
He claims the hospital made a misdiagnosis.
[noun] - an explanation of the nature of an illness or a problem that is not correct
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błędna diagnoza, złe rozpoznanie
on purpose
I'm sure he didn't do it on purpose - it was an accident.
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[noun] - an oil with a nice smell that you rub on sore skin to make it feel better
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balsam, maść
in generaly
In general, Japanese cars are very reliable.
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ogólnie, generalnie
[adjective] - having a surface that is not even or regular
The skin on her hands was quite rough.
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szorstki, nierówny
in advance
Ticket prices are usually cheaper if bought in advance.
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z góry (o płatności)
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zwrot, wykręcać
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niewielki, nieco, minimalnie
Melt the chocolate.
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Roztop czekoladę.
I bought this car dirt-cheap because it needed renovation.
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tanie jak barszcz
Kupiłem ten samochód za śmieszne pieniądze, bo wymagał remontu.
She sewed her own wedding dress.
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Uszyła swoją własną sukienkę ślubną.
[adjective] - worried and anxious
Ann looked troubled when she heard the news.
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zmartwiony, zatroskany
A gale was coming on, and they needed to tack, but it was too windy.
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Nadciągał sztorm i musieli zrobić zwrot przez sztag, ale było zbyt wietrznie.
in decline
The industry has been in decline for years.
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w spadku, u schyłku, w zaniku
The pupil was called on to recite the poem from memory.
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Uczeń został wywołany do wyrecytowania wiersza z pamięci.
Can I spin the wheel?
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obracać, okręcać
Czy mogę zakręcić kołem?
Gary is such a horrible person. I absolutely detest him.
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nie znosić
Gary jest taką okropną osobą. Absolutnie go nie znoszę.
[adjective] - that must be paid by someone
Interest is chargeable at five percent per year.
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podlegający opłacie
on bail
One of the four police officers involved in the death of George Floyd has been released from jail on bail.
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za kaucją
He has a nasty rash on his back.
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niemiły, nieprzyjemny
Ma koszmarną wysypkę na plecach.
without doubt
This trip has been, without doubt, one of the best.
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bez wątpliwości
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uważność, rozwaga
His daughter charmed him into buying her a car.
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urok, oczarować
Córka oczarowała go tak, że kupił jej samochód.
The river overflowed for the first time in a hundred years.
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wylewać (o rzece)
Rzeka wylała po raz pierwszy od stu lat.
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stos, sterta czegoś
After the forest was cut down, the soil eroded away very quickly.
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erodować, ulegać erozji
Po wycięciu lasu gleba zaczęła ulegać erozji bardzo szybko.
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zawiść, zazdrościć
to revitalise
[verb] - to give new life, energy, activity to something
A new investment has revitalised this part of the country.
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ożywić, rewitalizować
from experience
I know from experience that Susan is often late.
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z doświadczenia
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wzmacniać, ulepszać, poprawiać
The robbers coerced the bank staff into opening a safe.
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przymusić, zmuszać
Rabusie zmusili pracowników banku do otwarcia sejfu.
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wskaźnik, wskazówka
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okazja, targować się
It's impossible to assess the price of human life
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Nie da się wycenić ludzkiego życia.
The government declared war against drug dealers and they're planning a crackdown.
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rozprawienie się z czymś, uporanie się
Rząd wypowiedział wojnę dilerom narkotyków i planują rozprawienie się z nimi.
to reside
[verb] - to live in a particular place
His family now resides in northern Italy.
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[adjective] - that does not stop holding something or give up something easily; determined
They're going to spend the next few days preparing for this tenacious opponent.
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nieustępliwy, wytrwały, mocny
I want to reinforce the garden wall so that it doesn't fall down.
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Chcę wzmocnić ogrodzenie w ogrodzie, żeby się nie przewróciło.
[adjective] - that has serious injuries that affect one's ability to walk and move
You could break your neck and be crippled for the rest of your life.
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kaleki, okaleczony
relevant to
His comments aren't directly relevant to this inquiry.
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istotny, znaczący, dotyczący
You overdrew your account by 780 pounds
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przejaskrawiać, przekroczyć stan konta
Przekroczyła pani stan konta o 780 funtów.
screw on
Don't forget to screw the lid on before you put it back in the cupboard.
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Nie zapomnij zakręcić pokrywki, zanim włożysz to z powrotem do szafki.
If you want to recapture your youth, buy a fast car and dye your hair!
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odzyskanie (np. miasto), odbić
Jeśli chcesz odzyskać młodość, kup szybki samochód i ufarbuj włosy!
in demand
Nurses are always in demand in this hospital.
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cieszący się popytem, mający wzięcie, rozchwytywany
doubtful about
Some of them are still doubtful about the value of these new educational strategies.
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mający wątpliwości, niepewny
to retake
I'm retaking my driving test in June.
[verb] - to take an exam or a test again, usually after failing it the first time
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zdawać ponownie
notion of
Ann has no notion of the difficulty of the problem.
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[noun] - someone who tries to take a position or prize from the person who holds it
Jones is his main challenger for the world title.
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pretendent, rywal, konkurent
on strike
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[adjective] - that damages the reputation of a person by saying or writing bad or false things about them
His latest article was highly defamatory.
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oszczerczy, szkalujący
fastidious about
She is very fastidious about how a table should be set.
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[noun] - the physical or mental strength that enables you to do something difficult for long periods of time
Harry had a lot of stamina. He could run for hours.
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wytrzymałość, kondycja
Harry miał świetną kondycję. Był w stanie biegać godzinami.
[adjective] - that remains strong and determined, even in a difficult or dangerous situation
He has always taken a radical, unflinching approach to themes of violence and vengeance.
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niezachwiany, zdeterminowany
[adjective] - that uses ideas and methods that have never been used before
The school has won an award for its pioneering work with the community.
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pionierski, nowatorski
for nothing
All that preparation was for nothing because the meeting was cancelled.
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na nic, na marne
[noun] - a person who travels
Travellers were warned to stay home as strong winds hit Ireland.
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[adjective] - weak or without energy, power or strength
She was too feeble to lift the suitcase.
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słaby / marny
interference in
His interference in our work has been criticised.
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ingerencja w
to extradite
[verb] - to officially send back a person who has been accused or found guilty of a crime to the country where the crime was committed
The British government extradites the suspects from France.
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evaluation of
A thorough evaluation of the project will be done.
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ocena, oszacowanie
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[adjective] - that shows no understanding, love or sympathy for other people
I can't understand how she could marry this unfriendly, cold-hearted man.
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o zimnym sercu, nieczuły, zimny
delight in
My friend always delights in telling me when I make a mistake.
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rozkoszować się w, delektować się
[noun] - the state of being eccentric
Dave's father had a reputation for eccentricity.
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for ages
I haven't seen her for ages.
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na wieki, od dawna
[noun] - a piece of writing in a newspaper or magazine, usually on a particular subject, that appears regularly and is always written by the same person
His wife writes a monthly column for a national newspaper.
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amendment to
She's made a few amendments to the article.
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poprawka, zmiana
[adverb] - only by a small amount
Poland's incumbent President Andrzej Duda has narrowly beaten his challenger Rafal Trzaskowski in Sunday's presidential election.
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wąsko, ledwo, o włos
[noun] - property and money that a woman's parents give to her husband when they marry in some societies
For the Kamba tribe, some combination of cows, goats and gifts forms the dowry.
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at lenght
She told me at length about her new job.
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szczegółowo, obszernie
Freiburg is one of Germany's most livable and child-friendly cities.
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znośny, mieszkalny, nadający się do zamieszkania
award for
The film won an award for its music.
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nagroda za
rebound on
He realised that his trick had rebounded on him.
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rebound on - odbijać się na kimś, obrócić się przeciwko komuś
[noun] - a calm, pleasant place in the middle of something busy and unpleasant
The nearest beach was an oasis of peace.
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[adjective] - that talks too much or says things that should not be said
We didn't like her as we thought she was gobby and stubborn.
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pyskaty, krzykliwy
abusive towards
She said that her father was abusive towards his wife.
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obelżywy, znieważający, obraźliwy
[adjective] - impossible to repair or make right again
Unfortunately, the damage to his eyes was irreparable.
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nie do naprawienia
[adjective] - having eyes that are wide open, usually because you are very surprised, excited or frightened
All the kids were pop-eyed with excitement.
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wytrzeszczone oczy
[noun] - a member of a group of people riding motorcycles
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preparedness for
The country is in a state of preparedness for war.
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gotowość do
He condemns the hypocrisy of most politicians who do one thing and say another.
[noun] - behaviour in which somebody claims to have certain moral principles or beliefs but behaves in a way that shows they are not sincere
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rozpocznij naukę
[noun] - the state of having a physical or mental condition that means that part of your body or brain does not work correctly
A patient with a mild hearing impairment may have problems understanding speech.
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upośledzenie, uszkodzenie
cling to
The girl clung closely to her mother's arm.
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przylgnąć do
[noun] - a person who writes plays
Oscar Wilde was an Irish playwright, novelist and poet.
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dramaturg, dramatopisarz
by hand
I love these beautiful toys made by hand.
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[adjective] - dirty
Don't walk all over the floor in your mucky boots.
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brudny, upaprany
by now
We thought you'd be finished by now.
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do tej pory, do tego czasu
renowned for
This part of the country is renowned for its natural beauty.
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znany z
[adjective] - INFORMAL - dirty in an unpleasant way
He showed up for the interview wearing some grungy old shirt and jeans.
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nieczysty, brudny, syfiasty
by coincidence
By coincidence, they both went to the same school.
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przez przypadek
[noun] - the feeling of being unhappy, disappointed or without hope
Ann sat in the corner in utter dejection.
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severity of
He didn't quite understand the severity of the situation.
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powaga, surowość, srogość
Martina found a human skull on the desert island.
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Martina znalazła ludzką czaszkę na bezludnej wyspie.
in return
The man offered us food in return for our work.
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w zamian
[adjective] - perfect for a particular person or purpose
Jack seems tailor-made for that kind of job.
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szyty na miarę, idealny, wymarzony
[adjective] - that does not make you feel excited or interested
The view from the terrace was uninspiring.
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mało inspirujące, nieciekawy, nudny
for once
Can't you be nice to each other just for once?
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raz, jeden raz, chociaż raz
in disguise
The woman in the club turned out to be a policewoman in disguise.
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w przebraniu
[noun] - influence that you can use to make people do what you want
He was determined to gain more political leverage.
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dźwignia finansowa, wpływ, przewaga
[adjective] - (especially of a disease or something bad) that continues for a long time
My mother suffers from chronic pain in her back.
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[adjective] - not possible to argue about or disagree with; beyond doubt
The investigation uncovered undisputable evidence of corruption.
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bezsporne, niezaprzeczalny
in hiding
The family remained in hiding during the war.
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w ukryciu
[noun] - a record of the number or amount of something, especially one that you can keep adding to
He scored four more points, taking his tally to 10.
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[adjective] - that relates to the use of wireless technology to make a payment using a credit card or a mobile phone
Contactless payments are fast and easy.
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zbliżeniowy, bezdotykowy
[noun] - the quality of being very special or unusual
The uniqueness of her style of writing makes her a popular writer.
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wyjątkowość, unikatowość
[noun] - a mass of rock and earth that falls down a slope
The torrential rain in the area resulted in a landslip which, in turn, caused the train to derail.
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obsunięcie się ziemi, osuwisko
rob of
They robbed the company of almost $1 million.
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obrabować, okraść kogoś
by air
You can send your personal package to most European countries via sea or by air.
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drogą powietrzną, samolotem
in brief
We should, in brief, start saving money.
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w skrócie
pity for
I could only feel pity for what she went through.
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szkoda za, litość, współczucie
My uncle is a brain surgeon.
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Mój wujek jest neurochirurgiem.
stretch of
You can see plenty of boats on this stretch of the river.
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odcinek, połać
[noun] - a person who teaches at a university or college
A distinguished academic from France was due to speak that evening.
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I suddenly felt totally drained.
[adjective] - extremely tired and without energy
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wyczerpany, wycieńczony
[adjective] - (of an adult) that behaves in a stupid or silly way
You have to wait patiently. Don't be so childish!
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infantylny, dziecinny
[noun] - a short period of rest between the two halves of a sports game
The score at half-time was one all.
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połowa czasu, połowa meczu
[adjective] - designed to make somebody feel less angry by showing that you are willing to satisfy them
The tone of the letter was placatory.
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pojednawczy, uspokajający
in conclusion
In conclusion, I would like to express my thanks to our guest speakers.
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na zakończenie, na koniec
to glint
[verb] - to produce small bright flashes of light
The lake glinted in the moonlight.
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błyszczeć, iskrzyć
anthem for
The song quickly became an anthem for the young generation.
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hymn dla
to hone
[verb] - to improve something and make it perfect
David honed his debating skills at college.
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to wangle
[verb] - to get something that you or someone else wants but do not really have a right to have, by persuading somebody or by a clever plan
She somehow wangled an invitation to the opening night.
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wyłudzać, wyszachrować, fałszować
spectre of
The terrible spectre of war hung over the country once again.
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[adverb] - into very small pieces
Finely chop the garlic and the herbs.
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delikatnie, drobno
[adjective] - that has the role of giving professional advice
She was employed in an advisory role.
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doradczy, konsultacyjny
array of
There was a vast array of flavours to choose from.
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wybór, gama
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ogromny, rozległy, obszerny, olbrzymi
admission to
Last admissions to the park are at 6 p.m.
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wstęp do, przyjęcie
[noun] - a twisted mass of something such as hair or thread that cannot be easily separated
Her hair got into a hopeless tangle.
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splot, plątanina, gąszcz
cult of
He criticizes the way the media promote the cult of celebrity.
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[noun] - the part of a person that makes them able to think, to be aware of things and to feel
There were different thoughts running through my mind.
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umysł, głowa
in debt
Mark won't help you as he is heavily in debt now.
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w długach, zadłużony
[adjective] - that you did not plan or intend to happen
Some of the proposed reforms can have unintended consequences.
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pitfall of
We were told how to avoid the pitfalls of setting up our own business.
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pułapka, ryzyko
[noun] - an official document that allows you to do something or go somewhere
Do you have a work permit?
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Czy ma pan zezwolenie na pracę?
[noun] - a closed space at the back of a car for storing things in
I'll put the suitcase in the boot.
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on guard
Two police officers were on guard outside the suspect's house.
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na straży
on behalf of
I'm acting on behalf of XYZ Plc.
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w imieniu
Działam w imieniu spółki XYZ.
[noun] - the act of stating officially in a religious ceremony that something is holy and can be used for religious reasons
Thousands gathered for the consecration ceremony of newly renovated temple.
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[noun] - the small brown nut of the hazel tree
I'm allergic to all kinds of nuts, including hazelnuts.
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orzech laskowy
[adverb] - in a way that makes somebody feel less worried or uncertain about something
"Don't worry," she said reassuringly. "He will be all right."
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uspokojająco, krzepiąco
[adjective] - connected with the spine
Her husband suffered a spinal cord injury.
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dotyczący rdzenia kręgowego
reminder of
The ruined cathedral is a constant reminder of the war.
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przypomnienie o, pamiątka po czymś
His rudeness is appalling.
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przerażający, zatrważający
Jego chamstwo jest bulwersujące.
Entrance is restricted to current members of the club only.
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Wejście jest ograniczone tylko do aktualnych członków klubu.
The world is full of weird people.
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Świat jest pełen dziwnych ludzi.
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[adjective] - made of herbs
Drinking herbal tea can improve your health.
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The pendulum stopped swinging.
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kołysać się
Wahadło przestało się kołysać.
I still haven't paid him for that ticket, I owe him $10.
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zawdzięczać, być (komuś) winnym
Wciąż nie zapłaciłem mu za ten bilet. Jestem mu winny 10 dolarów.

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