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Pytanie Odpowiedź
startować, odnieść nagły sukces, ruszyć nabierać tempa, ściągnąć, naśladować
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take off
I get dizzy during take-off, The 16- year-old John took off and now live in a mansion. His book took off. I came out with the idea and my career suddenly took off
liczyć na coś, polegać na kimś
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bank on
whenever you need help, you can bank on me
they are banking on the world distracted with covid and civil unrest to call out their atrocities
wydobywać, uwydatniać, wyjmować, wprowadzać na rynek
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bring out
She brought out a white handkerchief and wiped her tears
The blue dress brings out your eyes. This company is going to bring out a new model of the car I have.
podbudować, pochwalić
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build up
I always build up my students
znosić, wytrzymać, tolerować
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put up with
How long shall I put up with you. How can they put up with all these inconveniences?
czepiać się kogoś
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to pick on someone
Your mother picks on me all the time.
zużywać coś
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use something up
He used my shampoo up/ don't use up all the milk/ This app is using all the battery up
pominąć coś
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leave something out
I think I might have left something out/No key matters can be left out of this discussion
być podobnym do kogoś
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take after somebody
she sure doesn't take after her mother/ Who do you take after- your father or mother?
wyskakiwać (z czymś); pojawiać się niespodziewanie; wyskakiwać, wyjść na chwilę, wyskoczyć gdzieś
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pop out
The words suddenly just popped out of my mouth., She has just popped out to the grocery, she will be back in a minute
wpadać na coś, wymyślać coś
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hit upon something
to think of an idea when you didn't expect or intend to, especially one that solves a problem
I hit upon the name of our child and how to get out of there
przedyskutować sprawę
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talk things through
zapinać(zawiązać), odnawiać, dekorować, owijać
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do up
do up your cloth before you go out/ my father does up all cars, I want to do up my room, I did up the present in blue paper
podzielić się, rozdzielić się, podzielić (coś między sobą), podzielić się (czymś), rozstać się
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split up
I'm sorry but we have to split up. They split up the money they won in a lottery. The teacher split us up into groups.
patrzeć na kogoś z podziwem, podziwiać kogoś
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look up to somebody
She had always looked up to his older brother
rzucić na coś światło
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shed light on something
Drop me the lamp so I could shed some more light here
zbytnio się z czymś pospieszyć, wyprzedzać fakty
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get ahead of oneself
to do something too early, or before you are ready or prepared
She didn't want to get ahead of herself and risk losing what she had achieved so far.
nadążać(za kimś), trwać(o sytuacji), dalej coś robić, utrzymywać na poziomie, powstrzymać kogoś
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keep up
If this situation keeps up, we will go bankrupt. I can't keep up with what she's saying. The baby kept her up all night
założyć, przytyć, nałożyć, PRZYGOTOWAĆ, WYSTAWIĆ(sztukę), prezentować (na co cię stać) przybierać pozę
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put on
The children put on a beautiful Nativity. He will put on a scary face, but remember he's not really mad at you. Put cream on your body after a sunbath. Put the dishwasher on.
przespać coś
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sleep through something, oversleep
He slept through the storm.
udać się wyruszyć
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head out
Let's get away from this island and head out to open sea.
zapobiec czemuś, ustrzec się od czegoś
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ward off
He used his umbrella to ward off the fierce sun.
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have somebody on to deceive
He had me on for years. She has him on but he's so in love that he doesn't see it
donieść na kogoś
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have somebody up
He had me up to the chief. Were you the one who had me up
kipieć, wrzeć (o emocjach)
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bubble up
I touched a hot pan with my finger and my skin bubbled up.
wydobyć z kogoś to, co najlepsze
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bring out the best in somebody
Ron's new girlfriend certainly brings out the best in him
wyjeżdżać (z miejsca postoju), wjeżdżać na drogę, opuszczać wyciągnąć, wycofać się
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pull out
He pulled out without a turn signal. He pulled out his hometown to earn money. When will our soldiers pull out of Afghanistan? She pulled a gun out of her purse.
wychować, poruszać coś, napomykać o czymś (np. temat, problem), wyświetlać coś, wymiotować (zwracać)
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bring up
I gave an old sausage to my dog and it brought it up. Don't bring that subject up if you don't want her to start crying. Let me bring up the front page.
wjechać i zatrzymać się
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pull in
Her car just pulled in outside
wypadać(ząb, coś z kieszeni), pokłócić (poróżnić się)
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fall out
My wallet must have fallen out of my bag at the airport. I fell out with my husband yesterday.
namówić kogoś
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talk somebody into
He talked me into drinking, My friend talked me into going to the gym
wycofać się, odpaść (nie brać udziału), rzucić szkołę, wycofać się (z polityki)
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drop out
He dropped out of politics to take care of his family. I dropped out of university after the first semester.
odpaść, oderwać się, wysadzić kogoś, wyrzucić (podwieźć), przysnąć
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drop off
Where should I drop you off? I feel like my hands are going to drop off. He watched the wheel drop off, and chuckled. He dropped off in the middle of the lesson.
Położyć, składać (zapasy), przechowywać
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lay down
She lay down on the bed and fell asleep immediately.
rozprzestrzeniać się
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get around/about
to travel to a lot of places:
This year she's been to three different countries. She really gets about, doesn't she? Spain last week and Germany this week - he gets around, doesn't he!
zmiatać, zamiatać, zgarniać nagrodę
dać się porwać
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sweep up
You will be swept up in a wild hurricane of a ride
pojawić się, przewijać się (problem, imię)
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crop up
Such a problem has never cropped up before, so I don't really know what to do. My name has cropped up a few times in newspapers.
odczep się, nie interesuj się
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butt out
dokonać czegoś, osiągać coś (sukces)
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bring something off
to succeed in doing something difficult
It was an important event, and she's managed to bring it off wonderfully.
patrzeć na kogoś z góry, pogardzać kimś
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look down on sb
He thinks he can look down on her because she doesn't have a job.
dać coś, wręczyć coś, kupić zapas czegoś, zebrać zbiory czegoś, zrobić coś (kiedy jest na to niewiele czasu)
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get something in
Get me the present in as soon as you have it. Can you get apples in? It's time to get potatoes in. I have to get this essay in by next Monday and I don't even know how to start.
odejść, wyjechać, być zepsutym
foul food
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be off
I'm afraid those bananas are off.
wpaść do kogoś z wizytą, odwiedzić kogoś, grzecznie poprosić kogoś o coś
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call on
I will call on my grandma. She called on him yesterday and he wasn't happy about it. If you call on me to come, I'll do it
zatrzymać kogoś, powstrzymać kogoś, wstrzymać się, zniechęcać, powstrzymywać się(emocje)
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hold back
The film was so emotional I wasn't able to hold my tears back. She regrets having kids because she thinks they hold her back from spreading her wings.
zepsuć, nawalić, okaleczyć kogoś psychicznie, zwinąć, zmiąć
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screw up
I screwed up, I'm a failure. She screwed the napkin and threw it on the ground.
sprecyzować coś, określać coś, kategoryzować coś, przypierac kogoś do muru
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pin down
to discover the exact details about something:
Soldiers were pinned down by enemy fire. The fire department is trying to pin down the cause of Wednesday’s fire.
trzymać się z kimś, spędzać czas z kimś
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hook up with somebody
to meet or begin to work with another person or organization
a conference where startup companies can hook up with investors
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take sth up
The tailor took the material up.
mijać, ustępować, wycierać się (materiał),
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wear away
to become thin and disappear after repeated use or rubbing, or to cause something to become thin and disappear in this way:
In some diseases, the protective layer in a joint wears away.
odrzucić poradę
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turn the advice down
przedstawić swoje pomysły
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get one's ideas across
to communicate your idea in a clear way
My best friend is very good at getting his ideas across
poprawiać się, wyglądać coraz lepiej (o sytuacji)
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look up
I see that your painting is looking up. If businesses doesn't look up we'll have to close the factory
podekscytować kogoś, podjarać, podgrzewać emocje, odpalić papierosa
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fire up
to make someone become excited or angry:
We had an argument about it and she got all fired up. Investors were fired up by the drop in rates.
być stworzony dla
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be cut out for
I don't think I'm cut out for a job in the office
wynajmować mieszkanie, wypuścić, emitować
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let out (rent an apartment)
When something that people go to, such as school or a show, lets out, it ends and everyone leaves:
My history class lets out at 4:15. How long has this apartment been let out for before you moved in there yourself
przenocować kogoś, wysunąć czyjąś kandydaturę
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put somebody up
She had a terrible fight with her husband, so I put her up.
rozstrzygać coś przez walkę
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fight out
The very first competition was fought out between a group of sixteen teams, largely from the host continent
wkurzyć kogoś, objechać kogoś
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tick somebody off
to annoy someone
It really ticks me off when she doesn't keep her promises.
zatrzymać się na krótko w czasie podróży
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stop off
On the way home I stop off in a pub.
lekceważyć odsunąć na bok
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brush aside
to refuse to give importance to an opinion or request, or to someone who expresses one:
Duke brushed aside suggestions that his campaign was finished.
odejść nagle
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walk off
Autoworkers walked off the job after the unions failed to reach an agreement over pay.
strząsnąć, pozbywać się, zgubić pościg
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shake off
to get rid of an illness:
I hope I can shake off this cold before the weekend.
rozebrać (ubranie, mechanizm)
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strip down
to remove, pull, or tear the covering or outer layer from something:
Jamie strips down recipes to their bare essentials.
uporządkować, sortować, rozwiązywać problemy, ustalać
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sort out
Hopefully all the problems will be sorted out soon.
wyskakiwać, pojawiać się
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pop up
The ad popped up again. He popped up at the party unexpectedly.
odnowić, przerobić, udekorować, zrobić coś ponownie
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do over
That dish was undercooked. You have to do it over. They've done over their house. We did over the Christmas tree with lights.
przypisać komuś sukces
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put success down to someone
She puts her success down to the excellent teachers she had in her final year
przesunąć na wcześniejszy termin
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bring forward
zjechać, zdejmować, ściągać (np. ubranie
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pull off
She pulled her dress off over her head. The car pulled off and sped up the road.
wrobić kogoś, wspomóc finansowo, postawić kogoś w jakiejś sytuacji
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set somebody up
He's set us up into helping him. Don't worry, I will set you up. I don't want to set you up in an awkward position.
spowodować, wywołać coś
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bring about something
to cause something to happen
Harold’s working to bring about changes in the industry.
wykreślić, przekreślić, zacząć coś energicznie robić (np. wyruszyć gdzieś, zacząć robić coś nowego)
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strike out
I yearn for starting out on my own.
zburzyć, wyburzyć
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tear down
to intentionally destroy a building or other structure because it is not being used or it is not wanted any more:
They're going to tear down the old hospital and build a new one.
rozglądać się (porównywać produkty i ich ceny)
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shop around
You should shop around for a better deal on a car.
wznieść, wznosić coś, wybudować, rozwiesić, wywiesić
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put up
We are putting the fliers up because our dog is missing. My husband put up a new cabinet in the kitchen. The company will put the building up in a year
przemieszczać się
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shift around
He did shift around in his seat, looking back at her.
trzymać się z dala od kogoś
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steer away from somebody
przymilać się, szukać bliskości
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cosy up
to be very friendly to someone with the hope of getting an advantage:
Opponents say he has a record of cosying up to polluters and accepting their campaign donations.
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call on
They called on him to fix the roof. We'll call on a plumber to mend the pipe. I will call on my grandma.
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kick off
to start or begin
The band kicked off with my favourite song. The skiing season kicks off this Saturday.
przestać gadać, zamknąć się
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pipe down
to stop talking or making unnecessary noise:
Will you please pipe down, you two? I'm trying to read!
rozkoszować się czymś
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lag something up
zaokrąglić cenę
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round out
If you round out the bill it is 2000$
pozbyć się czegoś
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turf out
to force someone to leave a place or an organization:
She'll be turfed out of the study group if she carries on being disruptive. I turfed out a load of old shoes last week.
podjechać, podnosić coś, podbijać coś (ceny)
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drive up
The police drove up to my car and looked inside
oskarżać kogoś o coś (oficjalnie oskarżać kogoś o popełnienie jakiegoś przestępstwa)
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charge with
podlizywać się komuś
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butter somebody up
to be very kind or friendly to someone or try to please someone, so that that person will do what you want them to do:
You'll have to butter them up a bit before they'll agree.
odłożyć coś na później, przełożyć
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put something off
The teacher had to put off the class till the following week. He put off writing the essay until the last minute.
zbesztać kogoś, ochrzanić kogoś
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chew somebody out
to criticize someone angrily
The coach has already chewed out two of his swimmers for arriving late to practice.
pospieszyć, pogonić (z opłatami)
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chase somebody up
to ask someone to do something that they promised to do but that have not yet done
If you don't hear from the builders this week, make sure you chase them up. I must chase my flatmate up about those bills and see if she paid them.
sprowadzać się do czegoś (np. wypowiedź)
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boil/come down to sth
to be the main or most important result of something:
What it all boils down to is a lack of communication.
powstrzymywać, opanowywać, przyhamowywać
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clamp down
clamp down illegal trade of elephant ivory. I think you should clamp down your excitement.
odświeżyć, przyozdobić
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spruce up
Spruce up. This dinner is important. She spruced up so much that I didn't recognize her.
badać coś, przyjrzeć się jakiejś sprawie, rozpatrywać
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look into something
The detective is looking into the disappearance of a young woman. I will look into your application.
rozkładać (namiot)
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put sth up
The kids were putting the tent up in the backyard.
zajmować czas, miejsce
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take up sth
voluntary work can take up a lot of time.
wziąć udział
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go in for sth
I go in for this completion about Georgia's history.
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make into sth
the temple has been made into the weapon magazine contradicting it's initial purpose
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put in
How on earth are they going to put in this oven inside this small cluttered wall?
zadebiutować, zacząć
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start out
My company started out a year ago. I started out my career as a model when I was 16. When the band first started out, they played in small clubs
siedzieć bezczynnie
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sit around
sit idly
You can't just sit around. You have to go to work. Don't just sit by, do something! sit like a bump on the log
ustępować, mijać
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wear off
The feeling of sadness will wear off, I promise. Anaesthesia will wear off in about two hours. When you feel you are stuck with your leaening, keep practicing and eventually the feeling will wear off
odejść tak po prostu z czegoś, porzucić
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wear away from sth
You can't just wear away from fifteen years of marriage.
wtajemniczyć kogoś, poinformować kogoś o czymś
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clue somebody in
The public should be clued in to what's happening.
zataić, zatrzymać coś dla siebie i w tajemnicy
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hold back
The film was so emotional I wasn't able to hold my tears back. I know you are holding something back.

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