Before You Judge Someone

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Pytanie Odpowiedź
jednostronna opinia
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one-sided opinion
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He saw a deal on some cookies
zafundowal sobie
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treated himself
wolny, dodatkowy czas
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spare time
His flight was delayed, and so he had a little spare time
na wyprzedaży
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on sale,
powiedzmy, ze
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let's say
Like a little present let's say for yourself
przynosić(kupić coś i przynieść)
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pick up
He started to read the magazine he also picked up earlier
wymienic spojrzenie
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exchange a glance
He exchanged a glance with the other man,
wracac, powracac
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return, go back
So he went back to reading. He returned to reading.
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absorbed, engrossed
While he was engrossed in his magazine
absorbować, pochłaniać
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smialo, odwaznie,
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he happened to see that the man sitting beside him boldly grabbed a cookie from the container.
anulować, odwoływać
odwołam subskrybcje
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I will cancel that subsciption
obok, koło
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początkowo, wstępnie, na początku
początkowo zignorowal incydent by uniknąć kłótni
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He initially ignored the incident to avoid a scene.
udawał że tego nie widzi
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He pretended he didn't see it.
lubić, czerpać przyjemność, cieszyć się, podobać się
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But the man seemed to have enjoyed the cookie so much, I enjoy taking photos.
zmartwić się, zasmucic, zmartwiony, zasmucony
(Nie ma powodu do martwienia się o to.)
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There's no need to be upset about this.
martwić się, (niepokoić, przeszkadzać, zawracać głowę), fatygowac sie
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It's bothering you. Don't even bother to pretend that you love me
zostało, pozostało
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was left
When the last cookie was left
przełamać coś na pół
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break sth in half
So he broke it in half
nerw, odwaga, czelność, tupet,
mieć tupet
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have a nerve
He could not believe the other man's nerve. I haven't got the nerve to tell him I'm leaving.
pomyśleć sobie w głowie
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think in someone's head
He was thinking in his head, how ungrateful could that man be?
pojemnik, zbiornik
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The other man then left and took the container with him.
uśmierzać ból, przynosić ulgę
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He was relieved
wzywać, przywoływać, zwoływać, wołać
Kiedy jego lot został wywołany, Robotnicy ogłosili strajk. Przestań ją nawoływać, ona cię nie słyszy.
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When his flight was called, The workers called a strike. Stop calling her, she can't hear you.
mienie, dobytek(o drobnych rzeczach)
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He gathered his belongings
podnosić, dźwigać
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lift, lift up
He lifted his bag
zaskoczyć kogoś, wziąć kogoś z zaskoczenia
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catch somebody off guard, throw somebody off guard, take somebody off guard
It caught him off guard.

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