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the polls [PLACES]
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the places where people vote in a political election:
go to the polls
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to vote:
With nearly all the votes counted, Mr Soto had polled 67 percent of the vote.
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When a person or a political party polls a particular number of votes in an election, they receive that number:
the poll [NUMBER OF VOTES]
She was elected decisively, with over 70% of the poll.
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the number of votes in an election:
Each ordinary share carries one vote in the event of a poll of shareholders.
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an occasion when people in a group, company, etc. vote for or against something at a meeting:
poll tax
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a tax of a set amount that must be paid by each adult, esp. in order to vote
deed poll [CHANGE NAME]
He changed his name by deed poll.
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in the UK, a type of legal document, especially one that allows someone to officially change their name:
exit poll
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the activity of asking people about how they voted as they leave a polling station (= place at which people vote), to try to discover who will win the election
entrance poll
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the activity of asking people about how they are going to vote as they enter a polling station (= place at which people vote), to try to discover who will win the election
You need to be more decisive.
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making choices quickly and surely, without having any doubts:
decisively - adverb; decisiveness - noun
This decisive defeat puts them out of contention for this year's championship finals.; Gettysburg is the site of the last and most decisive battle of the Civil War.
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strongly affecting how a situation will progress or end:
DNA test results were decisive in proving his innocence.
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Decisive also means without doubt or question, and of the greatest importance:
contention noun (DISAGREEMENT)
Their refusal to sign the treaty remains a source of contention between the two countries.
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disagreement resulting from opposing arguments:
contention noun (OPINION)
It’s her contention that exercise is almost as important as diet if you want to lose weight.
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an opinion expressed in an argument:
contention noun (COMPETITION)
The big names slowly dropped out of contention at the tournament.
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the act of competing in order to win something or to achieve a position of leadership:
be in/out of contention for sth
This loss puts them out of contention for the playoffs this year.
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to be able/not able to achieve or win something, especially in sports:
bone of contention
Money is a common bone of contention in many marriages.
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something that two people or groups cannot agree about:
stud noun (HORSE)
David Grenfell runs a 170-acre stud farm in Co. Wexford, Ireland.
rozpocznij naukę
a group of animals, especially high-quality horses, kept for breeding:
put (out) to stud
The Derby winner Generous will be put to stud at the end of the season.
rozpocznij naukę
kept for breeding:
stud noun (MAN)
He thinks he's a real stud.
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a man who is considered to be attractive and skilled sexually:
stud noun (DECORATION)
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a small nail or piece of metal, with a large, rounded top, that is attached to the surface of something, usually for decoration
stud noun (JEWELLERY)
gold studs a nose stud
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a small ball fixed to a metal post that fits through a hole made in the body, esp. in the ear
stud noun (BOOT) (US cleat)
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any of the small, pointed objects that stick out from the bottom of some boots and shoes used in particular sports, for example football
studs showing/up
A sliding tackle with the studs up is illegal in most leagues.
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with the studs of your football boots pointing at a player's leg when you tackle them:
stud [WALL]
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any of the vertical wood or metal posts used to make the frame of a wall
rozpocznij naukę
a small, bright-colored nail, often specially shaped, that is fixed esp. to cloth or leather as decoration
stud noun (MALE ANIMAL)
rozpocznij naukę
a male animal kept esp. for breeding
stud noun (TYRE)
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a small piece of metal, many of which are attached to special tyres used for driving in the snow
nose stud
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a small piece of jewellery connected to a short, thin piece of metal that passes through the side of the nose:
studded with something
a hillside studded with trees
rozpocznij naukę
having a lot of something:
rozpocznij naukę
the sloping surface of a hill, rather than the level surface at the top of it
knot noun (FASTENING)
to tie a knot
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a join made by tying together the ends of a piece or pieces of string, rope, cloth, etc.:
VERB - to tie in or with a knot:
knot noun (MASS)
Alice's hair is always full of knots and tangles.
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a tight mass, for example of hair or string:
knot noun (GROUP OF PEOPLE)
Knots of anxious people stood waiting in the hall.
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a small group of people standing close together:
knot noun (WOOD)
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a small hard area on a tree or piece of wood where a branch was joined to the tree
knot noun (MEASUREMENT)
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a measure of the speed of ships, aircraft, or movements of water and air. One knot is one nautical mile per hour:
approximately 1.85 kilometres per hour
knot [MUSCLE]
His muscles knotted (= swelled) with the strain.
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cause (a muscle) to become tense and hard.
tie the knot [COMPANIES]
The two airline companies finally agreed to tie the knot after last-minute haggling over ownership.
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if two or more companies tie the knot, they join to become one company:
reef knot (US also square knot)
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a type of strong knot that is tied twice and cannot easily be unfastened
Gordian knot
to cut the Gordian knot (= to deal with problems by taking forceful action)
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a difficult problem or situation:
bowline (also bowline knot)
We've let loose the bowline and we're drifting.
rozpocznij naukę
a simple type of knot for making a loop (= a circle) that does not slip at the end of a rope:
They bowed to the Queen. We knelt and bowed our heads in prayer. He bowed down (= very low) before (= in front of) the king and begged for mercy.
rozpocznij naukę
to bend your head or body forward, especially as a way of showing someone respect or expressing thanks to people who have watched you perform:
bow [SHIP] (also bows)
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the front part of a ship
bow noun (KNOT)
I tied the ribbon around the present in a pretty bow.
rozpocznij naukę
a knot with two curved parts and two loose ends, used as a decoration or to tie shoes:
bow noun (WEAPON)
bow and arrows
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a weapon for shooting arrows, made of a long, thin piece of wood bent into a curve by a tightly stretched string:
bow noun (MUSIC)
Violins are played with bows.
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a long, thin piece of wood with hair from the tail of a horse stretched along it, used to play musical instruments that have strings:
bow tie; dicky bow - informal
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a special type of tie (= a strip of cloth put around a collar) in the shape of a bow, worn especially by men on formal occasions
bow-wow child's word
A cow goes "moo" and a dog goes "bow-wow".
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a dog
the sound that a dog makes:
pussy bow - US (also UK pussycat bow)
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a large bow (= a knot with two curved parts and two loose ends) worn at the front of the neck, especially on a woman's shirt:
bow blouse (UK also pussy bow blouse, pussycat blouse)
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a shirt, usually worn by women, with a large bow (= a knot with two curved parts and two loose ends) at the front of the neck:
bow window
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a curved window that sticks out from the wall of a house
bay window
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a window that sticks out from the outer wall of a house and usually has three sides
Cupid's bow
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If you have a Cupid's bow, you have an upper lip with two strong curves in it.
in knots [STOMACH] informal
rozpocznij naukę
If your stomach is in knots, it feels tight and uncomfortable because you are nervous or excited.
tie sb (up) in knots - informal
The Director of Studies tied me up in knots by asking tricky questions. As well as having a stammer, I'd feel constantly worried that the press could tie me in knots.
rozpocznij naukę
to confuse someone and make them unable to explain something clearly:
to make someone upset, worried, or confused:
tie the knot [MARRY] - informal
rozpocznij naukę
to get married:

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