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Pytanie Odpowiedź
irytujący, denerwujący
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annoying, annoying. annoying, annoying
Mój sąsiad jest irytujący.
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My neighbor is annoying. My neighbor is annoying. My neighbor. is annoying.
poirytowany czymś
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annoyed by something. annoyed by something. annoyed by something.
Ona jest poirytowana tym hałasem.
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She is annoyed by this noise. She is annoyed by this noise. She is. this noise. She is annoyed by this noise.
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boring. boring. boring. boring.
Co za nudny film!
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What a boring movie! What a boring movie! What. a boring. movie! What. a boring movie!
Oni są dość nudni.
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They are quite boring. They are quite boring. They are. quite boring. They are quite. boring.
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company. company. company. company.
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quite. quite. quite. quite.
Oni są dość nudni.
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They are quite boring. They are quite boring.
My jesteśmy znudzeni tym towarzystwem.
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We are bored with this company. We are bored with this company. We are bored with this. company.We. are. bored. with. this. company.
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pleasing. pleasing. pleasing.
zadowolony z czegoś
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pleased with something. pleased with something. pleased with something.
Mark jest zadowolony ze swojej pracy.
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Mark is pleased with his work. Mark is pleased with his work. Mark is pleased with his. work. Mark is pleased. with. his. work.
Czy jesteś z tego zadowolony?
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Are you pleased with it. Are you pleased with it. Are you pleased with it.
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Satisfying. Satisfying. Satisfying. Satisfying.
Ta konferencja była Satysfakcjonująca
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This conference was satisfying. This conference was satisfying. This conference was satisfying.
Usatysfakcjonowany czymś
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Satisfied with something. Satisfied with some Satisfied with something. thing.
Wszyscy byli Usatysfakcjonowani czymś.
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They were all Satisfied with something. They were all Satisfied with something. They were all Satisfied with something. They were all Satisfied. with. something.
Czy jesteś usatysfakcjonowana wynikami testu?
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Are you satisfied with the test results? Are you satisfied with the test results? Are you satisfied with the test results? Are you. satisfied. with. the test. results?
Nikt nie jest zadowolony z siebie.
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Nobody is pleased with themselves. Nobody is pleased with themselves. Nobody is pleased with themselves.
To była ekscytująca przygoda.
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That was an exciting adventure.
To była ekscytująca przygoda.
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It was an exciting adventure. It was an exciting adventure. It was. an exciting. adventure.
Podekscytowany czymś
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Excited about something. Excited about something. Excited. about. something.
Jesteśmy podekscytowani tym pomysłem.
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We are excited about this idea. We are excited about this idea. We are excited about this idea. We are. excited. about. this idea.
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worrying. worrying. worrying. worrying.
kwestia, sprawa
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matter. issue. matter. issue. matter. issue.
Ta kwestia mnie niepokoi.
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This issue worries me. This issue worries me. This issue worries me. This issue. worries me.
Peter jest zmartwiony tym problemem.
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Peter is worried about this problem. Peter is worried. about this. problem. Peter is worried about this problem. Peter is worried about this problem.
On jest fascynującym człowiekiem.
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He is a fascinating man. He is a fascinating man. He is a fascinating man. He is a fascinating man.
Natura mnie fascynuje!
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Nature fascinates me! Nature fascinates me! Nature fascinates me! Nature. fascinates. me!
Jesteśmy zafascynowani różnorodnością pomysłów.
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We are fascinated by the variety of ideas. We are fascinated by the variety of ideas. We are fascinated by the variety of ideas. We are. the variety.of. ideas.
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irritating. irritating. irritating. irritating.
Jego zwyczaje są irytujące.
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His habits are irritating. His habits are irritating. His habits are irritating. His habits are irritating.
Ten krem podrażnił moją skórę.
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This cream irritated my skin. This cream. irritated. my skin. This cream irritated my skin.
Te książki są interesujące.
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These books are interesting. These books are interesting. These books. are interesting.
Zainteresowany czymś.
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Interested in something. Interested in something. Interested in something. Interested in something.
Jestem zainteresowana tą ofertą
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I am interested in this offer. I am interested in this offer. I am. interested in this offer. I am interested. in this offer
Kto jest zainteresowany?
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Who is interested? Who is interested? Who is interested? Who is interested?
My jesteśmy zainteresowani.
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We are interested. We are interested. We are interested. We are interested.
On interesuje się sportem.
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He is interested in sport. He is interested in sport. He is interested in sport. He is. interested. in sport.
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Zatrważający film.
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A scary movie. A scary movie. A scary movie.
Straszna opowieść.
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A scary tale. A scary tale. A scary tale. A scary tale.
przestraszony czymś
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scared of something. scared of something. scared of something
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Tiring. Tiring. Tiring.
Ta podróż jest męcząca.
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This journey is tiring. This journey is tiring. This tiring. This journey is tiring.
Długodystansowy lot jest męczący.
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A long-haul flight is tiring. A long-haul flight is tiring. A long-haul tiring. A long-haul. flight. is tiring.
Jesteśmy tym zmęczeni.
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We are tired of this. We are tired of this. We are. tired.of. this. We are tired of this.
zmęczony czymś.
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tired of something. tired of something. tired of something.
przerażający, straszny
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scary, scary
przerażający, straszny, zatrważający.
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frightening. frightening. frightening.
przerażony czymś
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Terrified of something. Terrified of something. Terrified of something.
Jego pies jest przerażony burzą.
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His dog is terrified of the storm. His dog is terrified of the storm. His dog is terrified. of the storm.

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