conspiracy theories

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rozpuszczać plotki
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There's a lull in the conversation
oszustwo, mistyfikacja
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to my amazement the group joints in with other evidence supporting the moon landing hoax
powiewająca flaga
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a fluttering flag
a fluttering flag when there's no atmosphere on the moon
aleja szaleńców
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crackpot alley
but now things are taking a turn down crackpot alley
wtracic sie
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to chip in
so I take a deep breath and decides to chip in
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they turn to me aghast that a stranger would dare to butt into their conversation
wpaść w, wtracic sie
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butt into
they turn to me aghast that a stranger would dare to butt into their conversation
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I continue undeterred, hitting them with a barrage of facts and rational explanations
grad faktów i wyjaśnień
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barrage of facts and explanations
I continue undeterred, hitting them with a barrage of facts and rational explanations
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one of the reasons why conspiracy theories bring up with such regularity is due to our desire to impose structure on the world and incredible ability to recognize patterns
podążać za stadem
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to follow the herd
this means that if our social groups believe something we are more likely to follow herd
osadzony w naszym światopoglądzie
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embedded in our world view
and also if we are overly exposed to a particular idea then it becomes embedded in our world view
logiczny błąd
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logical fallacy
przeoczone dowody
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overlooked evidence
błąd potwierdzenia
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confirmation bias
rozwiązywać (np. o problemie)/rozprasowywać
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iron something out
pojawić się
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crop up
pogromca mitów
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prawda się wyłoni
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the truth will emerge
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efekt odwrotnego ognia
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backfire effect
wzywać kogoś
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to invoke somebody
obalić mit
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debunk a myth
zakorzeniony w naszych poglądach
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entrenched in our views
but instead of modifying our belief we tend to invoke self-justification any folks are justification and even stronger dislike of opposing theories which can make us more entrenched in our views
zanim zaczniesz głosić orędzie, znajdź jakieś wspólne podstawy
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before starting to preach the message find some common grounds

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