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Snails are considered a delicacy in France.
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something good to eat that is expensive or rare
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a musical instrument played especially in Scotland, in which air blown into a bag is forced out through pipes to produce a sound
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(of an area of a town) suitable for living in; consisting of houses rather than factories or offices; synonim of suburban
outskirts of town
They live on the outskirts of Paris.
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the parts of a town or city that are furthest from the centre
He works in San Francisco’s financial district.
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particular area of a town or countryside an area of a town or the countryside, especially one with particular features usually which official boundaries for the purpose of administration.
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Someone who is in prison. Synonim of prisoner
He was convicted of fraud.
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to decide and state officially in court that somebody is guilty of a crime
a flimsy piece of paper/fabric/plastic.
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badly made and not strong enough for the purpose for which it is used. (of material) thin and easily torn
an imposing building
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large, impressive to look, appearing important; impressive to look at; making a strong impression
This system imposes additional financial burdens on many people. To impose restrictions/constraints/obligations on somebody/something
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to force somebody/something to have to deal with something that is difficult or unpleasant
insurmountable obstacle
The age barrier appeared insurmountable.
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(of difficulties, problems, etc.) that cannot be dealt with successfully; synonim of insuperable
When exactly did the incident occur?
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to happen
I've been trying to convince him to see a doctor.
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to persuade somebody to do something or make that somebody belive that something is true; Synonim of persuade
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one of the parts of a train where passengers sit; a separate section of a train for carrying passengers.
On business trips, I travel in a first-class compartment.
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one of the separate areas into which a plane, ship, or train is divided
a buffet car
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a part of a train where you can buy food and drink
a platform
The Edinburgh train will depart from platform six.
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the raised place beside a railway track where you get on and off a train in a station
sleeping car
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a railway carriage with beds for passengers to sleep in. Synonim of sleeper.
He pulled out to overtake the van.
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to go past a moving vehicle or person because you are going faster than them and want to get in front of them
ring road
There was a two-mile traffic jam on the ring road.
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a road that goes around a large town to keep the traffic away from the centre. Synonim of bypass
dual carriageway
Follow the dual carriageway and you'll see signs for the turn-off.
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a main road that has two lines of traffic travelling in each direction, with a narrow part between them that has no traffic. In ather words divided highway
diversion in the road
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A different way that traffic is sent when the usual roads are closed
baggage reclaim / baggage claim
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the place at an airport where you collect your cases and bags after a flight
board the plane
The couple boarded the train for New York
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to get on a bus, plane, train etc in order to travel somewhere
The Customs have seized large quantities of smuggled heroin.
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the government department that collects taxes on goods bought and sold and on goods brought into the country, and that checks what is brought in
customs officer
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the officer who work in the government department that collects taxes on goods bought and sold and on goods brought into the country, and that checks what is brought in
domestic flight
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flight inside one country and not international.
flight attendant
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someone who serves food and drinks to passengers on a plane, and looks after their comfort and safety Synonim for stewardess
hand luggage
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small bags that you can carry onto an aircraft with you when you travel
pay excess baggage
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pay for extra luggage
Inflation is likely to accelerate this year.
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to start to drive faster; to start to happen more quickly, or to make something start to happen more quickly
adjust the mirrors
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to change setting of mirrors in a car for achieve better views.
do a U-turn
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a change of direction that you make when driving in order to travel in the opposite direction
fill up the tank
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becomes full of fuel/petrol tank
give way
In Britain, give way to cars coming from the right.
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to stop or slow down when you are driving, in order to allow other vehicles to go first
give way
I had to give way in order to save my job.
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to agree to do what someone else wants, instead of what you want, especially after a lot of discussion or argument
head-on collision
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When two vehicles hit of front parts each other as they are moving forward.
minor road
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road which is less important thant main road.
cycling lane
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a part of a wide road that only bicycles are allowed to use
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the part of a car or other vehicle that you press with your foot to make it go faster. Synonim for gas pedal
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a closed space at the back of a car for storing things in
number plate
She could just about read the number plate of the car speeding away from the accident.
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a metal or plastic plate on the front and back of a vehicle that shows its registration number
steering wheel
He grabbed the steering wheel from her to prevent the car going off the road.
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the wheel that the driver turns to control the direction that a vehicle goes in
She switched the wipers on to clear the windscreen.
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the window across the front of a vehicle
You look absolutely exhausted.
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extremely tired. Synonim for worn out
It’s freezing in this house. Can’t I turn on the heating?
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extremely cold; below the temperature at which water turns to ice
Thousands of people will starve if food doesn’t reach the city.
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to suffer or die because you do not have enough to eat
I'm going to get a drink - I'm parched.
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to be very thirsty or very dry, especially because of hot weather
My boss was furious with me.
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extremely angry;
They all thought the film was hilarious.
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extremely funny and comic
Wash your hands, they're filthy!
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extremely dirty
sort sth out
Have you sorted out your schedule yet?
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to successfully deal with something, such as a problem or difficult situation
sprawl out
He sprawled out on the sofa.
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to lie or sit with your arms or legs stretched out in a lazy or careless way
despite sth
Despite all our efforts to save the school, the authorities decided to close it.
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used to say that something happens or is true even though something else might have prevented it. Synonim for in spite of
wailing noise
Somewhere in the distance a police siren was wailing.
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make a noise for example to warn of danger or cry out with a long high sound, especially because you are very sad or in pain
I’m amazed you’ve never heard of the Rolling Stones. I was amazed at the price.
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extremely surprised; synonim for astonished
I think that’s a brilliant idea. The film was absolutely brilliant.
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extremely smart; extremely good; excellent; very successful
Sandy will be delighted to see you.
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very pleased and happy
She was devastated when her husband died.
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very upset; feeling extremely shocked and sad
Obese people are more likely to suffer heart attacks.
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very fat in a way that is unhealthy
That’s a ridiculous idea!
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very silly or unreasonable
We were so thrilled to hear about the baby.
rozpocznij naukę
very excited, happy, and pleased
Bad teachers are a tiny minority.
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extremely small
His friends were deeply shocked and saddened by the tragic news of his death.
rozpocznij naukę
very sad, often involving death and suffering

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