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See używamy wówczas, gdy patrzymy na coś świadomie, zwracamy uwagę na to, co widzimy: I saw a girl riding past on a bicycle. Czasownik see stosuje się też w znaczeniu „oglądać“ film, przedstawienie, telewizję itp: We went to see a movie last night.
Czasownika look używamy wówczas, gdy patrzymy na coś: Look carefully. Can you see anything strange? Kiedy przyglądamy się czemuś przez dłuższy czas, wówczas stosujemy czasownik watch: Watch what I do, then you try. • to watch television/a football match
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to look
to look out of (wyglądać przez) the window She blushed and looked away (odwróciła wzrok). Look who’s come to see us. Look where you’re going! ▶ patrzeć
look1 /lʊk; US / verb 1[intransitive, transitive] look (at sth) to turn your eyes in a particular direction (in order to pay attention to sb/sth) Sorry, I wasn’t looking. Can you show me again? Look carefully at this picture.
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to look for
3[intransitive] look (like sb/sth) (to sb); look (to sb) as if.../as though... to seem or appear You look very smart in that shirt. to look tired/ill/sad/well/happy The boy looks like his father. That film looks good – I might go and see it.
2 [intransitive] look (for sb/sth) to try to find (sb/sth) We’ve been looking for you everywhere. Where have you been? to look for work ‘ I can’t find my shoes.’ ‘ Have you looked under the bed?’ ▶ szukać
wychodzić na coś, mieć na celu
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□ look interj. (used for asking sb to listen to what you are saying) Look, William, I know you are busy but could you give me a hand? ▶ posłuchaj/cie
4[intransitive] to face a particular direction This room looks south so it gets the sun all day. ▶ wychodzić na coś 5[intransitive] look to do sth to aim to do sth We are looking to double our profits over the next five years. ▶ mieć na celu
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2[countable, usually sing.] a look (for sb/sth) a search I’ll have a good look for (poszukam) that book later. I’ve had a look (rozejrzałem się) but I can’t find it.
look2 /lʊk; US / noun ⇨ POSŁUCHAJ NAGRAŃ PRZYKŁADÓW 1[countable] the act of looking Have a look (popatrz) at this article. Take a close look at the contract before you sign it. ▶ spojrzenie
uroda, wygląd
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4(looks) [pl.] sb’s appearance He’s lucky – he’s got good looks (jest przystojny) and intelligence. ▶ uroda wygląd
3[countable] the expression on sb’s face He had a worried look (wyglądał na zmartwionego) on his face. I knew something was wrong – everybody was giving me funny looks (wszyscy dziwnie się mi przyglądali). ▶ wyraz twarzy
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lookalike /ˈlʊkəlaɪk; US / noun [countable] [often used after a person’s name] a person who looks very similar to the person mentioned an Elvis lookalike ▶ sobowtór
majaczyć, wisieć
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loom1 /lu: m; US / verb [intransitive] loom (up) to appear as a shape that is not clear and in a way that seems frightening The mountain loomed (up) in the distance. The threat of war loomed over the country. ▶ majaczyć wisieć
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loom2 /lu: m; US / noun [countable] a piece of equipment that is used for weaving ▶ krosno warsztat tkacki
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2[intransitive] to move in a way that makes the shape of a loop The river loops around the valley. ▶ tworzyć zakole/pętlę (rzeka itp.) zawracać zakręcać
□ loop verb 1 [transitive] to form or bend sth into a loop He was trying to loop a rope over the horse’s head. ▶ zawiązywać pętlę zapętlać
swobodny, wolny
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loose1 /lu: s; US / adj. 1 The dog broke loose (zerwał się z uwięzi) and ran away. The horse managed to get loose and escape. I take the dog to the woods and let him loose (spuszczam go ze smyczy). She wore her long hair loose. ▶ swobodny wolny
luźny, rozchwiany
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5 not completely accurate or the same as sth a loose interpretation of the rules a loose translation wolny przekład ▶ luźny nieprecyzyjny swobodny
2 not firmly fixed The saucepan handle is a bit loose so be careful. a loose tooth ruszający się ząb ▶ luźny rozchwiany obluzowany 3 not contained in sth or joined together loose change some loose sheets of paper ▶ luźny
luźno, swobodnie
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□ loosely /; US / adv. The film is loosely based on the life of Beethoven. ▶ luźno nieprecyzyjnie swobodnie wolno
luzować, rozluźniać
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loosen up, loosen up
loosen (sb/sth) up to relax or move more easily These exercises will help you to loosen up. ▶ rozluźniać (się) odprężać (się)
loosen /ˈlu: sn; US / verb [intransitive, transitive] to become or make sth less tight to loosen your tie/belt Don’t loosen your grip on the rope or you’ll fall. ▶ luzować rozluźniać (się)
plądrować, łupić
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loot /lu: t / verb [i, t] to steal things during a war or period of fighting Many shops were looted during the riot. ▶ plądrować łupić □ loot noun [u] money and valuable objects taken by soldiers from the enemy after winning a battle ▶ łup
skrzywiony, koślawy
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lopsided /ˌlɒpˈsaɪdɪd; US / adj. with one side lower or smaller than the other a lopsided smile ▶ skrzywiony koślawy
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a lorry
lorry /ˈlɒri; US / (Brit.) noun [countable] (pl. lorries) (especially US truck) a large strong motor vehicle that is used for carrying goods by road ▶ ciężarówka
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lose - lost - lost
2[transitive] to no longer have sb/sth She lost a leg in the accident. He lost his wife last year. to lose your job ▶ stracić
lose /lu: z; US / verb (past tense, past participle lost /lɒst; US /) ⇨ POSŁUCHAJ NAGRAŃ PRZYKŁADÓW 1[transitive] to become unable to find sth I’ve lost my purse. I can’t find it anywhere. ▶ gubić
ponosić straty
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5[intransitive, transitive] to not win; to be defeated We played well but we lost 2-1. to lose a court case/an argument Parma lost to Milan in the final. ▶ przegrywać
3[transitive] to have less of sth to lose weight (tracić na wadze)/interest/patience The company is losing money all the time. ▶ tracić
lose idioms
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lose idioms
lose sight of sb/sth 1 to no longer be able to seesth We eventually lost sight of the animal in some trees. tracić kogoś/coś z pola widzenia lose heart to stop believing that you will be successful in sth you are trying to do ▶ tracić serce (do czegoś)
lose touch (with sb/sth) to no longer have contact (with sb/sth) I’ve lost touch with a lot of my old school friends. ▶ tracić kontakt (z kimś, z czymś)
tracić głowę
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lose head
lose face to lose the respect of other people ▶ tracić twarz lose your head to become confused or very excited ▶ tracić głowę
ofiara, przegrany
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victim, loser
3 a person who suffers because of a particular situation, decision, etc. The real losers in this are the children. ▶ przegran-y/a poszkodowan-y/a pokrzywdzon-y/a
loser /ˈlu: zə(r); US / noun [countable] 1 a person who is defeated He is a bad loser. Nie umie przegrywać. ▶ przegrywając-y/a zwyciężon-y/a 2 a person who is never successful ▶ ofiara (życiowa)
strata, zguba
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loss, loss
Have you reported the loss of your wallet? The loss of his wife was very sad for him. The plane crashed with great loss of life. ▶ strata zguba
loss /lɒs; US / noun 1[countable, uncountable] (a) loss (of sth) the state of no longer having sth or not having as much as before; the act of losing sth loss of sleep loss of blood (upływ krwi)/money weight/hair loss
strata, ubytek
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loss, loss
3[countable] a loss (to sb) the disadvantage that is caused when sb/sth leaves or is taken away; the person or thing that causes this disadvantage If she leaves, it/she will be a big loss to the school. ▶ strata
2[countable] a loss (of sth) the amount of money which is lost by a business The firm made a loss of £ 5 million. ▶ strata ubytek ⇨ look at profit
zapobiegać dalszym stratom
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cut your losses
cut your losses to stop wasting time or money on sth that is not successful ▶ zapobiegać dalszym stratom
zgubiony, zagubiony
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lost, lost
2 that cannot be found or that no longer exists The letter must have got lost in the post. a lost opportunity ▶ zaginiony zgubiony
lost2 /lɒst; US; / adj. 1 unable to find your way; not knowing where you are This isn’t the right road – we’re completely lost! If you get lost, stop and ask someone the way. Don’t get lost! Nie zgub się! ▶ zgubiony zagubiony
zaginiony, zgubiony; stracony
a lost cause a goal or an aim that cannot be achieved ▶ przegrana sprawa stracona sprawa
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lost, lost; lost
4lost on sb not noticed or understood by sb The humour of the situation was completely lost on John (komizm tej sytuacji w ogóle nie dotarł do Johna) and he got quite angry. ▶ niezauważony niezrozumiały  
3 unable to deal with a situation or to understand sth I’m lost without my diary! Sorry, I’m lost (zgubiłem się). Could you explain the last part again? ▶ zgubiony (bez czegoś)
biuro rzeczy znalezionych
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lost property
2(US lost and found) the place where items that have been found are kept until they are collected ▶ biuro rzeczy znalezionych
ˌlost ˈproperty noun [uncountable] (Brit.) 1 things that people have lost or left in a public place and that are kept in a special office for the owners to collect a lost property office ▶ rzeczy zagubione
wiele, dużo
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An awful lot of people will be disappointed if the concert is cancelled. There seem to be quite a lot of new shops opening. Sit here – there’s lots of room. ▶ dużo wiele
lot1 /lɒt; US / pron., determiner (a lot (of); lots (of)) a large amount or number (of things or people) ‘ How many do you need?’ ‘ A lot.’ I’ve got a lot to do today. Have some more cake. There’s lots left.
znacznie, o wiele
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2(a lot) very much or often Thanks a lot (bardzo) – that’s very kind. It generally rains a lot at this time of year. ▶ dużo często
lot2 /lɒt; US / adv. (informal) 1(a lot; lots) [before an adjective or adverb] very much a lot bigger/better/faster They see lots more of each other than before. ▶ znacznie o wiele
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Just one more suitcase and that’s the lot! ‘ How many of these books shall we take?’ ‘ The lot.’ ▶ wszystko/wszyscy (razem) całość
lot3 /lɒt; US / noun 1[sing., with sing. or pl. verb] (informal) all of sth; the whole of a group of things or people When we opened the bag of potatoes the whole lot was/were bad. The manager has just sacked the lot of them!
grupa ludzi, partia rzeczy
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2[c, with sing. or pl. verb] You count those kids and I’ll count this lot. This lot of clothes needs/need ironing. I have several lots of essays to mark this weekend. What do you lot want? ▶ grupa (ludzi) partia (rzeczy)
pozycja, los, dola
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5[countable] an area of land used for a particular purpose a parking lot a vacant lot ▶ działka parcela
3[sing.] the quality or state of a person’s life; your fate Although things have not been easy for him, he’s always been perfectly happy with his lot. ▶ los dola 4[countable] an object or group of objects that are for sale at an auction ▶ pozycja
emulsja, krem, mleczko
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lotion /ˈləʊʃn; US / noun [countable, uncountable] liquid that you use on your hair or skin suntan lotion ▶ emulsja (kosmetyczna) krem (np. do rąk) mleczko (do twarzy)
dużo, mnustwo
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a lot of
What a lot of books! Ile książek! ▶ dużo mnóstwo
a lot of /ə ˈlɒt əv; US / (also informal lots of /ˈlɒts əv; US /) determiner a large amount or number of (sb/sth) There’s been a lot of rain this year. There were a lot of people at the meeting. Lots of love (uściski), Billy.
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lottery /ˈlɒtəri; US / noun [countable] (pl. lotteries) a way of making money for the government, for charity, etc. by selling tickets with numbers on them and giving prizes to the people who have bought certain numbers which are chosen by chance
głośny, hałaśliwy
Noisy oznacza osobę, zwierzę, miejsce, wydarzenie itp., które jest bardzo głośne lub zbyt głośne: a noisy road/party/engine/child/neighbours.
Przymiotnika loud zwykle używa się do opisania samego dźwięku lub przedmiotu wydającego dźwięk: a loud noise/bang • loud music.
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2 (used about clothes or colours) too bright a loud shirt ▶ krzykliwy □ loud adv. making a lot of noise Could you speak a bit louder – the people at the back can’t hear. ▶ głośno
loud /laʊd; US / adj. 1 making a lot of noise; not quiet Can you turn the TV down – it’s too loud. ▶ głośny hałaśliwy krzykliwy
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—loudly /; US / adv. ▶ głośno —loudness /; US / noun [uncountable] ▶ głośność hałaśliwość krzykliwość
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louse /laʊs; US / noun [countable] (pl. lice /laɪs; US /) a small insect that lives on the bodies of animals and people ▶ wesz
kochany, sympatyczny, miły
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lovable (also loveable) /ˈlʌvəbl; US / adj. having a character or appearance that is easy to love a lovable little boy ▶ kochany sympatyczny miły
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He’s madly in love (szalenie zakochany) with her. a love song/story How’s your love life (życie intymne)? ▶ miłość
love1 /lʌv / 1[uncountable] a strong feeling that you have when you like sb/sth very much a mother’s love for her children to fall in love with somebody zakochać się w kimś It was love at first sight. They got married two months after they met!
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3[countable] a person, a thing or an activity that you like very much His great love was always music. Who was your first love? Of course, my love (kochanie). ▶ miłość (do kogoś/czegoś) kochan-y/a
2[uncountable, sing.] a strong feeling of interest in or enjoyment of sth a love of adventure/nature/sport ▶ zamiłowanie
kochać, lubić
3would love sth/to do sth (used to say that you would very much like sth/) ‘ Would you like to come?’ ‘ I’d love to (z przyjemnością).’ ‘ What about a drink?’ ‘ I’d love one (chętnie).’ We’d love you to come and stay with us. ▶ (bardzo) chcieć
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love, like
2 to like or enjoy sth very much I love the summer! I really love swimming in the sea. ‘ What do you think of this music?’ ‘ I love it!’ ▶ lubić uwielbiać
love2 /lʌv; US / verb [transitive] ⇨ POSŁUCHAJ NAGRAŃ PRZYKŁADÓW 1[not used in the continuous tenses] to like sb/sth in the strongest possible way I split up from my girlfriend last year, but I still love her. She loves her children. ▶ kochać
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love affair
2 a great enthusiasm for sth His love affair with motor cars began when he was a boy. ▶ zamiłowanie
ˈlove affair noun [countable] 1 a romantic and/or sexual relationship between two people who are in love and not married to each other She had a love affair with her tennis coach. ▶ romans
życie intymne
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intimate life
ˈlove life noun [countable] the part of your life that involves your romantic and sexual relationships ▶ życie intymne
uroczy, śliczny
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2 enjoyable or pleasant; very nice We had a lovely holiday. It’s lovely to see you again. ▶ wspaniały świetny □ loveliness /; US / noun [uncountable] ▶ urok wdzięk
lovely /ˈlʌvli; US / adj. (lovelier; loveliest) ⇨ POSŁUCHAJ NAGRAŃ PRZYKŁADÓW 1 beautiful or attractive a lovely room/voice/expression You look lovely with your hair short. ▶ uroczy śliczny
kochanek, kochanka
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2 a person who likes or enjoys the thing mentioned a music lover an animal lover a music lover meloman/ka ▶ miłośni-k/czka
lover /ˈlʌvə(r); US / noun [countable] 1 a partner in a sexual relationship with sb who they are not married to He discovered that his wife had a lover. The park was full of young lovers holding hands. ▶ kochan-ek/ka
romans, historia miłosna
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love story
ˈlove story noun [countable] (pl. love stories) a story or novel that is mainly about love ▶ romans (powieść) historia miłosna
kochający, oddany
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loving, devoted
2[in compounds] (-loving) loving the thing or activity mentioned a fun-loving girl ▶ kochający □ lovingly /; US / adv. ▶ z miłością z uwielbieniem z oddaniem
loving /ˈlʌvɪŋ; US / adj. 1 feeling or showing love or care She’s very loving towards her brother. a loving family ▶ kochający oddany
niski, niewysoki
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low, not high
2 below the usual or normal level or amount Temperatures were very low last winter. The price of fruit is lower in the summer. low wages low-fat (chudy) yogurt food that is low in salt ▶ niski o niskiej zawartości (np. soli, alkoholu) niewysoki
low1 /ləʊ; US / adj. ⇨ POSŁUCHAJ NAGRAŃ PRZYKŁADÓW 1 close to the ground or to the bottom of sth Hang that picture a bit higher – it’s much too low (jest za nisko)! ‘ Where’s the pain? Here?’ ‘ No, a bit lower down.’ ▶ niski niewysoki
niski, niewysoki
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low, not high
4 deep or quiet His voice is already lower than his father’s. A group of people in the library were speaking in low voices (ściszonym głosem). ▶ (głos/dźwięk) niski
3 below what is normal or acceptable in quality, importance or development a low standard of living low status ▶ niski niewysoki
kiepski, lichy
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6 (used about a light, an oven, etc.) made to produce only a little light or heat Cook the rice on a low heat for 25 minutes. Keep the iron on a low setting. The low lighting adds to the restaurant’s atmosphere. ▶ (o) niskiej/słabej mocy
5 not happy and lacking energy He’s been feeling a bit low since his illness. The team are in low spirits (jest przygnębiona) after their defeat. ▶ kiepski lichy przygnębiony
niski, podły
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short, mean
8 (used about behaviour, etc.) unpleasant, not respectable and honest That was rather a low trick to play on you. ▶ podły niski
kończyć się
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run low on sth
run low (on sth) to start to have less of sth than you need; to start to be less than is needed We’re running low on coffee – shall I go and buy some? ▶ (zapasy, produkty itp.) kończyć się
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low2 adv. /ləʊ; US / 1 in or to a low position, level, etc.; near the ground or bottom; not high That plane is flying very low. ▶ nisko niewysoko głęboko 2 (in music) with deep notes I can’t sing that low. ▶ nisko
dolny, niższy
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lower, lower
lower1 /ˈləʊə(r); US / adj. [only before a noun] below sth or at the bottom of sth She bit her lower lip. the lower deck of a ship ▶ niższy dolny
zniżać, obniżać
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2 to make sth less in amount, quality, etc. The virus lowers resistance to other diseases. Could you lower your voice (zciszyć głos) slightly? I’m trying to sleep. ▶ obniżać zmniejszać
lower2 /ˈləʊə(r); US / verb [transitive] 1 to make or let sb/sth go down They lowered the boat into the water. to lower your head/eyes ▶ zniżać spuszczać obniżać
małe litery
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lower case
ˌlower ˈcase noun [uncountable] letters that are written or printed in their small form; not in capital letters The text is all in lower case. lower-case letters ▶ pisany małą literą małe litery
niższej warstwy społecznej
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ˌlower-ˈclass adj. belonging to a low social class ▶ niższej warstwy społecznej
cichy, bez rozgłosu
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ˌlow-ˈkey adj. quiet and not wanting to attract a lot of attention The wedding will be very low-key. We’re only inviting ten people. ▶ dyskretny cichy bez rozgłosu
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lowland /ˈləʊlənd; US / noun [countable, usually pl.] a flat area of land at about sea level the lowlands near the coast lowland areas ▶ nizina
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lowly /ˈləʊli; US / adj. (lowlier; lowliest) (often humorous) low in status or importance a lowly government clerk How should I know? I’m just a lowly employee. ▶ podrzędny
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ˌlow-ˈlying adj. (used about land) near to sea level; not high ▶ nizinny
nisko płatny
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low paid
ˌlow-ˈpaid adj. not paying or earning much money low-paid workers ▶ nisko płatny
niskiej rozdzielczości
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low resolution
ˌlow-resoˈlution adj. (used about a photograph or an image on a computer or television screen) not showing a lot of clear detail a low-resolution scan ▶ o niskiej rozdzielczości
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low tide
ˌlow ˈtide noun [uncountable] the time when the sea is at its lowest level At low tide you can walk out to the island. ▶ odpływ
lojalny, wierny
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loyal, faithful
loyal /ˈlɔɪəl; US / adj. (used about a person) not changing in your friendship or beliefs a loyal friend/supporter He has remained loyal to the team even when they have not been winning. ▶ lojalny wierny
lojalnie, wiernie
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loyally, faithfully
□ loyally /; US / adv. ▶ lojalnie wiernie —loyalty /ˈlɔɪəlti; US / noun [countable, uncountable] (pl. loyalties) A dog is capable of great loyalty to its master. I know where my loyalties lie. ▶ lojalność wierność
smar, oliwa
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lubricant /ˈlu: brɪkənt; US / noun [countable, uncountable] a substance, for example oil, that makes the parts of a machine work easily and smoothly ▶ smar oliwa
smarować, oliwić
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lubricate, oil
lubricate /ˈlu: brɪkeɪt; US / verb [transitive] to put oil, etc. onto or into sth so that it works smoothly ▶ smarować oliwić □ lubrication /ˌlu: brɪˈkeɪʃn; US / noun [uncountable] ▶ smarowanie oliwienie
jasny, klarowny
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□ lucidly /; US / adv. ▶ klarownie jasno przejrzyście —lucidity /lu:ˈsɪdəti; US / noun [uncountable] ▶ klarowność jasność przejrzystość
lucid /ˈlu: sɪd; US / adj. (formal) 1 (used about sth that is said or written) clear and easy to understand a lucid style/description ▶ klarowny jasny przejrzysty 2 (used about sb’s mind) not confused; clear and normal ▶ trzeźwy jasny
powodzenie, szczęście
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I could hardly believe my luck when they offered me the job. With a bit of luck, we’ll finish this job today. By sheer luck, I found my wallet under a bush. ▶ powodzenie szczęście
luck /lʌk; US / noun [uncountable] 1 success or good things that happen by chance We’d like to wish you lots of luck in your new career. He says this necklace will bring you luck.
traf, los, fart
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luck, fate, luck
2 chance; the force that people believe makes things happen There’s no skill in this game – it’s all luck. to have good/bad luck mieć szczęście/nieszczęście ▶ traf los fart ⇨ look at fortune
nie mieć szczęścia
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be out of luck
good luck (to sb) (used to wish that sb is successful) Good luck (powodzenia)! I’m sure you’ll get the job. ▶ powodzenie szczęście
be in/out of luck to be lucky/to not be lucky I was in luck – they had one ticket left! ▶ (nie) mieć szczęści-e/a (nie) mieć fart/u
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□ luckily /; US / adv. Luckily, I remembered to bring some money. ▶ szczęśliwie na szczęście
mający szczęście
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With so much unemployment, I count myself lucky that I’ve got a job. ‘ I’m off on holiday next week.’ ‘ Lucky you!’ I’m very lucky (jestem szczęściarzem) to have such good friends. ▶ mający szczęście
lucky /ˈlʌki; US / adj. (luckier; luckiest) ⇨ POSŁUCHAJ NAGRAŃ PRZYKŁADÓW 1 (used about a person) having good luck He’s lucky to be alive after an accident like that.
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2 (used about a situation, event, etc.) having a good result It’s lucky (na szczęście) you reminded me. ▶ szczęśliwy 3 (used about a thing) bringing success or good luck a lucky number It was not my lucky day. ▶ szczęśliwy  OPPOSITE  unlucky
zyskowny, intratny
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lucrative /ˈlu: krətɪv; US / adj. (formal) allowing sb to earn a lot of money a lucrative contract/business/market ▶ zyskowny intratny korzystny
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When flying, you will be asked to pay for excess luggage if your suitcases weigh more than is allowed. You are only allowed one piece of hand luggage.
luggage /ˈlʌɡɪdʒ; US / noun [uncountable] ⇨ POSŁUCHAJ NAGRAŃ PRZYKŁADÓW bags, suitcases, etc. used for carrying sb’s clothes and things on a journey ‘ How much luggage are you taking with you?’ ‘ Only one suitcase.’ ▶ bagaż
pułka na bagaż
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luggage rack
ˈluggage rack noun [countable] a shelf above the seats in a train or bus for putting your bags, etc. on ▶ półka na bagaż
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2lull sb into sth to make sb feel safe, and not expecting anything bad to happen Our first success lulled us into a false sense of security (uśpił naszą czujność). ▶ usypiać (np. czujność)
lull2 /lʌl; US / verb [transitive] 1 to make sb relaxed and calm She sang a song to lull the children to sleep. ▶ lulać ukołysać uśpić uciszać
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lullaby /ˈlʌləbaɪ; US / noun [countable] (pl. lullabies) a gentle song that you sing to help a child to go to sleep ▶ kołysanka
kawałek, gruda
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piece, lump
2 a swelling under the skin You’ll have a bit of a lump on your head where you banged it. ▶ guz  IDIOMS  have/feel a lump in your throat to feel pressure in your throat because you are about to cry ▶ mieć ściśnięte gardło
lump1 /lʌmp; US / noun [countable] ⇨ POSŁUCHAJ NAGRAŃ PRZYKŁADÓW 1 a piece of sth solid of any size or shape The sauce was full of lumps. a lump of coal/cheese/wood ▶ kawałek grudka
wrzucać do jednego worka
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lump A and B together
lump2 /lʌmp; US / verb [transitive] lump A and B together; lump A (in) with B to put or consider different people or things together in the same group You can’t lump beginners in with advanced students! ▶ wrzucać do jednego worka
jednorazowa wpłata
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lump sum
ˈlump sum noun [countable] an amount of money paid all at once rather than in several smaller amounts You’ll receive a lump sum when you retire as well as your pension. ▶ jednorazowa wypłata
bryłowaty, guzowaty
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lumpy, lumpy
lumpy /ˈlʌmpi; US / adj. full of or covered with lumps This bed is very lumpy. ▶ bryłowaty guzowaty
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lunar /ˈlu: nə(r); US / adj. connected with the moon a lunar spacecraft/eclipse/landscape ▶ księżycowy
luncz, obiad
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lunch, dinner
to have lunch jeść lunch a packed lunch kanapki itp. przygotowane jako drugie śniadanie poza domem a picnic lunch piknik a business/working lunch lunch roboczy ▶ lunch obiad
lunch /lʌntʃ; US / noun [countable, uncountable] a meal that you have in the middle of the day Hot and cold lunches are served between 12 and 2. What would you like for lunch?
pojemnik na drugie śniadanie
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lunch box
ˈlunch box noun [countable] a container to hold a meal that you take away from home to eat ▶ pojemnik na drugie śniadanie/lunch
przerwa obiadowa
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lunch break
ˈlunch hour noun [countable, usually sing.] the time around the middle of the day when you stop work or school to have lunch I went to the shops in my lunch hour. ▶ przerwa obiadowa
pora lunchu
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lunch time
lunchtime /ˈlʌntʃtaɪm; US / noun [countable, uncountable] the time around the middle of the day when lunch is eaten I’ll meet you at lunchtime. ▶ pora lunchu/obiadu
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lung /lʌŋ; US / noun [countable] one of the two organs of your body that are inside your chest and are used for breathing ▶ płuco
przechył, przechylać się
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lurch /lɜ: tʃ; US / noun [countable, usually sing.] a sudden movement forward or to one side The ship gave a huge lurch as it hit the iceberg. ▶ przechył □ lurch verb The man lurched drunkenly out of the pub. ▶ przechylać się
kusić, wabić
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lure2 /lʊə(r); US / noun [countable] the attractive qualities of sth the lure of money/fame/adventure ▶ przynęta pokusa wabik
lure1 /lʊə(r); US / verb [transitive] to persuade or trick sb to go somewhere or do sth, usually by offering them sth nice Young people are lured to the city by the prospect of a job and money. ▶ kusić wabić
bujny (o zieleni)
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lush (green)
lush /lʌʃ; US / adj. (used about plants or gardens) growing well, with a lot of healthy grass and plants close together ▶ bujny
namiętność, pożądanie
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2[countable, uncountable] (a) lust (for sth) (a) very strong desire to have or get sth a lust for power (a) lust for life ▶ żądza pożądanie
lust1 /lʌst; US / noun 1 [uncountable] lust (for sb) strong sexual desire ▶ żądza namiętność pożądanie
pożądać, pragnąć
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lust2 /lʌst; US / verb [intransitive] lust (after sb); lust (after/for sth) to feel a very strong desire for sb/sth to lust for power/success/fame ▶ pożądać pragnąć
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lute /lʊ: t; US / noun [countable] a musical instrument with strings, played like a guitar. Lutes were used especially in the 14th-17th centuries. ▶ lutnia
luksus, zbytek
3[uncountable, sing.] a pleasure which you do not often have It was (an) absolute luxury to do nothing all weekend. ▶ luksus
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luxury, luxury
2[countable] something that is enjoyable and expensive that you do not really need A holiday is a luxury we just can’t afford this year. luxury goods, such as wine and chocolates ▶ luksus
luxury /ˈlʌkʃəri / (pl. luxuries) 1[uncountable] the enjoyment of expensive and beautiful things; great comfort and pleasure They are said to be living in luxury in Barbados. to lead a life of luxury a luxury hotel/car/yacht ▶ luksus zbytek
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lynch /lɪntʃ; US / verb [transitive] (used about a crowd of people) to kill, usually by hanging, sb who is thought to be guilty of a crime without a legal trial in a court of law ▶ linczować dokonywać samosądu
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lyrical /ˈlɪrɪkl; US / adj. like a song or a poem, expressing strong personal feelings ▶ liryczny
lyric /ˈlɪrɪk; US / adj. (used about poetry) expressing personal feelings and thoughts lyric poems ▶ liryczny
słowa, tekst piosenki
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lyrics /ˈlɪrɪks; US / noun [pl.] the words of a song music and lyrics by Lennon and McCartney ▶ słowa (piosenki) tekst (piosenki)

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