Październik 2022

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Pytanie Odpowiedź
on jest notowany w rejestrze karnym
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he has a criminal record
odcisk, nagniotek (zgrubienie skory)
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bąbel, pęcherz
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I've got blisters on my fingers.
odwrocenie, gwaltowna zmiana
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Democratisation suffered more reversals in 2021, with the percentage of people living in a democracy falling to well below 50% and authoritarian regimes gaining ground
radykalna zmiana
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reversal, radical change, dramatic change
odnosić coraz większy sukces
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gain ground, make ground
Their products are gaining ground
nieprawdziwe opinie
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fake review
Niech to dunder świśnie
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Stone me!, Stone the crows!
obrzydliwy, wstrętny (o osobie)
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He was quite the most detestable man I've ever known.
gamoń, głupek pzestarzale
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przewracać pod naporem wiatru
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blow over
She looks like she'll blow over in the wind
konkurent (do ręki kobiety), petent, strona (w procesie sądowym)
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Coś się kroi, zapowiada się coś ekscytującego
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The game is afoot
The phrase, “the game is afoot,” means that something exciting is about to start or it has already begun.
man about town
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man about town
He had been pointed out as a very successful and well-known man about town.
sprawca przestępstwa
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perpetrator, perp
The perpetrator of that crime is behind bars.
olbrzymi sukces
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roaring success
The film, he says, would be a roaring success even without the line.
chwała Bogu (okrzyk ulgi)
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glory be!
Trójca Święta
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the Holy Trinity
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She has a fractured pelvis.
pęknięty, złamany
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I can't write with a fractured wrist.
budzący grozę, budzący szacunek
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formidable, respectful
She made him feel formidable, sure of himself, the man he might have been.
NIc nie jest pewne, dopóki nie zostanie udowodnione
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Nothing is certain till it, s proved
Na czyjeś żądanie, na czyjąś prośbę
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at somebody's behest
The cuts were made at the behest of the accounting department.
wgłębienie, wgniecenie
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indentation, indent
Now, from the front, you see that indentation in the center?
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tangle of sth
There was a tangle of cables behind the control panel.
tępe narzędzie
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blunt instrument
He looked as though she'd hit him with a blunt instrument.
czerpać korzyści ze stanowiska
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take advantage of position
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I am an atheist
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They asked if he was circumcised, and I said yes.
Myślisz, że cały świat kręci się wokół ciebie
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You think the whole world revolves around you
nie podlegający cesji, przeniesieniu
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These were fixed and non-assignable.
obejść, omijać (np. prawo)
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He said there were a number of ways insurance companies could circumvent the law.
zabiegać (o coś), nagabywać (kogoś o coś)
Ci dwaj zabiegali o poparcie także dla opozycyjnej partii politycznej.
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The two had solicited support for an opposition political party as well.
wotum nieufności
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vote of no confidence, motion of no confidence
He again served as president in late 1996, but lost power after a motion of no confidence.
zawracanie, zwrot o 180 stopni, całkowita zmiana
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zakaz zawracania
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no u-turn
gardzimy konwencją
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we despise convention
Ostre zakażenie przebiega zwykle bezobjawowo, co utrudnia wczesne rozpoznanie.
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Acute infection is usually asymptomatic, making early diagnosis difficult.
ostry (o ostrym przebiegu, np. o chorobie), przeszywający (ból)
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I felt acute pain in my knee. The cause of his death was acute pneumonia.
pionek, symboliczny przywódca (np. marionetkowy przywódca polityczny)
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figurehead, pawn
ostatnia chwila
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short notice, last moment
It was the best he could do at short notice.
danie popisowe, specjalność danego kucharza
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signature dish
His signature dish is seafood.
zdegradować kogoś
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The event has been downgraded to the level of defense ministers.
ponad, w dodatku
To jest jeszcze coś oprócz tego, co wymieniłeś wczoraj
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over and above
This is over and above what you mentioned yesterday.
rachunek zysków i strat
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P&L statement, profit-and-loss account
oderwany od rzeczywistosci
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detached from reality
When my mental illness was at its worst, I became completely detached from reality.
ciskać, trzymać się kurczowo
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He clasped his suitcase when he walked through the crowd.
mieć spóźniony refleks
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do a double take
szarfa, wstęga, skrzydło okienne
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sash, ribbon, window sash
She sat up and began to knot the sash again.
nabierający tempa, rozwijający się, pofałdowany, nadziany
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I will invest in this rolling business. Her boyfriend is rolling, he buys her expensive gifts.
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So the plastic is there because it's a good insulator.
molestowanie, nękanie
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He was sued for sexual harassment of his colleague.

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