
 0    12 fiszek    frankherbert60
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rozpocznij naukę
a specific problem in part of a process that causes delays to the whole process
rozpocznij naukę
talk about your achievements in a proud way that annoys other people
rozpocznij naukę
doing or saying things secretly, often in a dishonest or unfair way
rozpocznij naukę
make someone dislike you or not want to help or support you
rozpocznij naukę
people who go to a restaurant or another place without making a booking or appointment beforehand
tack on
rozpocznij naukę
add something extra, especially something that does not seem to belong to the rest
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get rid of something because you no longer want or need it
rozpocznij naukę
make small changes in order to improve something
capitalize on
rozpocznij naukę
to use an event or a situation to help you to achieve something or get an advantage
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to use a situation so that you get benefit from it, even if it is wrong or unfair to do this
rozpocznij naukę
a way to describe something – especially a type of food – that is good for you
rozpocznij naukę
things that make it comfortable or enjoyable to stay, live, or work somewhere

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