ibn battuta 2

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Pytanie English Odpowiedź English
The wind made our little ship go up and down in the water,
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The wind made our little ship go up and down in the water,
and I felt very ill.
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and I felt very ill.
When we stopped at a village on the coast
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When we stopped at a village on the coast
When we stopped at a village on the coast, my friends and I got off.
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When we stopped at a village on the coast, my friends and I got off.
Then we wanted to visit Oman
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Then we wanted to visit Oman
so we took a ship there
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so we took a ship there
My friend and I found a guide to take us on foot to Oman
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My friend and I found a guide to take us on foot to Oman
So I gave it to the guide
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So I gave it to the guide
I went after him and I put my knife near his face.
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I went after him and I put my knife near his face.
We were tired
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We were tired
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But we got off it early because we didn’t like the sailors
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