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Pytanie American English Odpowiedź American English
cloak and dagger
rozpocznij naukę
exciting story with mystery and secrets
chop and change
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to keep changeing ideas, activites or opinion
pins and needles
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filling pain all over your body
touch and go
rozpocznij naukę
an uncertian situation
song and dance
rozpocznij naukę
a long statment or story (sometimes not true)
tooth and nail
rozpocznij naukę
try very hard to get sth y want
hard and fast
rozpocznij naukę
not to be changed
by and large
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prim and proper
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safe and sound
rozpocznij naukę
not hurt
to and fro
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w to i z powrotem
spick and span
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very clean and neat
odds and ends
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various things of different types
down and out
rozpocznij naukę
no luck no money no opportunities
rack and ruin
rozpocznij naukę
ran down
rough and ready
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simple but good enought
high and dry
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to do sth inconvenient for someone
first and foremost
rozpocznij naukę
more than anything else
wear and tear
rozpocznij naukę

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