Begegnungen A1: Kapitel 1

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Pytanie Odpowiedź
Guten Morgen!
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Good morning!
Guten Tag!
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Good day!
Guten Abend!
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Good evening!
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Wie heißen Sie?
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What's your name?
Ich heiße (Max Müller).
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My name (Max Muller).
Mein Name ist (MaxMüller).
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My name is (maxmueller).
Wie ist Ihr Vorname?
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What is your first name?
Wie ist Ihr Familienname?
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What is your name?
Mein Vorname ist (Max).
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My first name is (Max).
Mein Familienname ist (Müller).
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My name is (Müller).
Wie alt sind Sie?
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How old are you?
Ich bin (30) Jahre alt.
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I am (30) years old.
Woher kommen Sie?
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Where are you from?
Ich komme aus (Spanien).
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I am from Spain).
Wo wohnen Sie?
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Where do you live?
Ich wohne in (Madrid).
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I'm living in madrid).
Was sind Sie von Beruf?
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What is your profession?
Ich bin (Lehrer).
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I am a teacher).
Ich arbeite als (Managerin) bei (Siemens).
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I work as a (manager) at (Siemens).
Was/Wo studieren Sie?
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What / Where do you learn?
Ich studiere (Medizin/in Berlin).
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I study (medicine / Berlin).
Welche Sprachen sprechen Sie?
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Which languages ​​do you speak?
Meine Muttersprache ist (Italienisch).
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My mother tongue is (Italian).
Ich spreche sehr gut/gut/ein bisschen (Englisch).
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I speak very good / good / some (English).
Ich lerne jetzt (Deutsch).
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I am learning German now).
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Marital status
Ich bin ledig.
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I'm single.
Ich bin verheiratet.
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I'm married.
Ich bin geschieden.
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I'm divorced.
Ich habe zwei Kinder.
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I have two children.
Ich habe keine Kinder.
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I have no kids.
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Was sind deine Hobbys?
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What are your hobbies?
Was sind Ihre Hobbys?
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What are your hobbies?
Ich spiele gern (Fußball).
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I like to play soccer).
Ich sammle (Briefmarken)
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I collect stamps
Ich lese gern (Romane).
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I like to read novels).
Ich höre gern (Jazz-Musik).
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I enjoy listening to (jazz music).
Ich schreibe gern (Gedichte).
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I love writing (poems).

Begegnungen A1: Kapitel 1

Hello and welcome! This lesson could be for you if you want to learn simple sentences in German ! This course was done in order to give the possibility to learn how to introduce yourself, to tell a little about yourself and your life . The lesson will be about greetings, family, work, music, life and much more ! Try to become a real German person!


valentinaromeo4 napisał: 2018-11-29 17:35:42
<h2>Begegnungen A1: Kapitel 1</h2>
Hello and welcome! This lesson could be for you if you want to <b>learn</b> simple sentences in <b>German </b> ! This course was done in order to give the possibility to learn how to introduce yourself, to tell a little about <b>yourself</b> and your <b>life </b>. The lesson will be about <b>greetings, family, work, music, life and much more </b>! Try to become a real German person!

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