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Pytanie Odpowiedź
nastro trasportatore
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baggage carousel / conveyor belt
bagagli smarriti
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lost luggage
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a bag
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to leave
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to arrive
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to open
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to close
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to start
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to finish
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to meet
andare a prendere
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to collect
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to land
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to take off
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un ora di fuso orario
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one hour time difference
Perso e Ritrovato - Su quale volo eravate?
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Lost and Found - Which flight were you on?
Viaggiatore - Su quello proveniente da Milano.
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Traveller - On the one coming from Milan.
L&F - Quante valigie sono state smarrite?
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L&F - How many suitcases were lost?
L&F - Me la può descrivere, per favore?
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L&F - Can you describe it to me, please?
T - È grossa e rossa.
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T - It's big and red.
L&F - Dove alloggerete qui a Londra?
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L&F - Where will you be staying here in London?
T - Al King Hotel, in Black Street al numero 13.
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T - At the King Hotel, number 13 Black Street.
L&F - Per quanto tempo vi fermerete al King Hotel?
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L&F - How long will you be staying at the King Hotel?
T - Per due settimane.
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T - For two weeks.
L&F - Preferite che (noi) ... o volete che (noi)...
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L&F - Do you prefer that (us) ... or do you want that (us)...
L&F - Preferite che mandiamo la valigia all'albergo o volete che la teniamo qui in aeroporto per quando ritornate?
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L&F - Do you prefer us to send the suitcase to the hotel or do you want us to keep it here at the airport for when you return?
T - Non lo so, quanto ci metterete a trovarla?
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T - I don't know, how long will it take you to find her?
L&F - Normalmente due o tre giorni, ma il vostro aereo è andato in Sudan, quindi non lo so.
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L&F - Normally two or three days, but your plane went to Sudan, so I don't know.
T - La riprenderemo al ritorno.
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T - We'll pick it up on the way back.
L&F - Può darmi un recapito telefonico dove possiamo contattarla in questi giorni?
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L&F - Can you give me a telephone number where we can contact you these days?
A che ora apre il cinema?
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At what time does the cinema open?
A che ora chiudi/chiudete?
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At what time do you close?
A che ora parte il treno?
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At what time does the train leave?
A che ora è l'ultimo treno?
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What time is the last train?
Mi scusi, a che ora chiude il museo?
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Excuse me, what time does the museum close?
Mi scusi, a che ora apre la banca?
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Excuse me, what time does the bank open?
Mi scusi, a che ora comincia lo spettacolo?
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Excuse me, what time does the show start?
Mi scusi, a che ora è la colazione?
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Excuse me, what time is breakfast?
Mi scusi, a che ora abbiamo il treno?
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Excuse me, what time is our train?
1. A che ora apre il supermercato?
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1. What time does the supermarket open?
1. Potrebbe dirmi a che ora apre il supermercato?
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1. Could you please tell me what time the supermarket opens?
1. - Il supermercato apre alle 8 del mattino? - Sì.
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1. - Does the supermarket open at 8 a.m.? - Yes it does.
2. A che ora parte il treno per Milano?
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2. What time does the train for Milan leave?
2. Potresti dirmi a che ora parte il treno per Milano?
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2. Could you please tell me what time the train to Milan leaves?
2. - Il treno per Milano parte alle 10 di mattina? - No. Parte alle 10:15
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2. - Does the train to Milan leave at 10 a.m.? - No, it doesn’t. It leaves at 10:15 a.m.
3. A che ora arriva l'aereo?
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3. What time does the plane arrive?
3. Potrebbe dirmi a che ora arriva il volo?
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3. Could you please tell me what time the flight arrives?
3. - Il volo arriva alle 13:00? - No. Parte alle 13:45.
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3. - Does the flight arrive at 1 p.m.? - No, it doesn’t. It leaves at 1:45 p.m.
4. A che ora inizia il film?
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4. What time does the film start?
4. Potresti dirmi a che ora inizia il film?
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4. Could you please tell me what time the movie starts?
4. - Il film inizia alle 20:00? - Sì.
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4. - Does the movie start at 8 p.m.? - Yes it does.
5. A che ora ti incontri con Jenny?
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5. What time are you meeting Jenny?
5. Potresti dirmi a che ora incontrerai Jenny?
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5. Could you please tell me what time you are meeting Jenny?
5. - Incontrerai Jenny alle 3 del pomeriggio? - Sì.
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5. - Are you meeting Jenny at 3 p.m.? - Yes, I am.
6. A che ora vai a prendere i bambini?
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6. What time are you collecting/picking up the children?
6. Potresti dirmi a che ora vai a prendere i bambini?
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6. Could you please tell me what time you are picking up/collecting the children?
6. - Vieni a prendere i bambini alle 16:00? - No. Vado a prendere i bambini alle 15:30.
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6. - Are you picking up/collecting the children at 4 p.m.? - No, I’m not. I’m collecting children at 3:30 p.m.
7. A che ora chiude il negozio?
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7. What time does the shop close?
7. Potresti dirmi a che ora chiude il negozio?
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7. Could you please tell me what time the shop closes?
7. - Il negozio chiude alle 21:00? - Sì.
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7. - Does the shop close at 9 p.m.? - Yes it does.
8. A che ora va in palestra Peter?
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8. What time does Peter go to the gym?
8. Potresti dirmi a che ora Peter va in palestra?
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8. Could you please tell me what time Peter goes to the gym?
8. - Peter va in palestra alle 17:00? - No. Va in palestra alle 17:50.
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8. - Does Peter go to the gym at 5 p.m.? - No, he doesn’t. He goes to the gym at 5:50 p.m.
9. A che ora andiamo al ristorante?
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9. What time are we going to the restaurant?
9. Potresti dirmi a che ora andiamo al ristorante?
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9. Could you please tell me what time we are going to the restaurant?
9. - Andiamo al ristorante alle 18? - No. Andiamo al ristorante alle 18:45.
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9. - Are we going to the restaurant at 6 p.m.? - No, we aren’t. We are going to the restaurant at 6:45 p.m.
10. A che ora inizia la tua lezione d'inglese?
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10. What time does your English lesson start?
10. Potresti dirmi a che ora inizia la tua lezione di inglese?
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10. Could you please tell me what time your English lesson starts?
10. - La tua lezione di inglese inizia alle 19:00? - Sì.
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10. - Does your English lesson start at 7 p.m.? - Yes it does.

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