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(idiomatic) A person's combined given name and surname
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first and last
I need your first and last, date of birth
(attributive) only
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first and last
This is the first and last time I'm doing this.
pod wpływem impulsu, chwilowej zachcianki. (idiomatic, mildly vulgar) For no particular reason, just because it is fun, entertaining; or to relieve boredom.
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for the hell of it. for the fuck of it
Come on, let's order dessert first, just for the hell of it! We can't tell Mom we skipped school just for the hell of it—she'll be furious!
łagodny jak baranek
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(as) gentle as a lamb
I would highly recommend our pediatrician because she's always gentle as a lamb.
(intransitive or reflexive, idiomatic) To prepare for an activity. / (intransitive, idiomatic) To put on special clothing or equipment.
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to gear up (for, to)
We're gearing ourselves up for a busy week ahead. Are the players geared up for the game? I only feel geared up for work in the mornings.
Lasting the full spectrum of life, existence, or a given process; from the first point to the very last.
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from womb to tomb
She's been my best friend since we were babies, so I just know we'll be together from womb to tomb. The company offers a moneyback guarantee that all its products will work flawlessly "from womb to tomb."
zdobyć pierwszą bazę (zaliczyć pierwszy etap czegoś) (idiomatic) To get as far as the first phase or milestone of a goal. (idiomatic) To get as far as kissing in sexual advances.
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to get to first base
A: "Did you get to first base with Dave last night?" You're friends with the boss—how do I get to first base with my idea for the project?

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