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Pytanie Odpowiedź
Czy miałeś kiedykolwiek wypadek samochodowy? Jak to się stało
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Did you ever have a car accident? How did this happen
Did you ever have a car accident? How did it happen?
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Never. Yes I did. Yes, I had an accident. But it was a long time ago It was a big bang Somebody hit my car I crashed another car It was big collision, catastrophy, tragedy, shock I only saw / heard / read about transport accident. I am a safe driver...
Czy lubisz pracować w ogródku? Dlaczego?
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Do you like working in the garden? Why?
Do you like working in the garden? Why?
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Gardening is / isn't my passion. I love nature, plants, flowers, fruit, vegetables ... It is very relaxing, boring, exciting...
Lepiej jest mieszkać w domu czy w mieszkaniu? Podaj argumenty.
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It is better to live in a house or in an apartment? Provide arguments.
It is better to live in a house or in an apartment? Provide arguments.
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It is better to live in a house / in an apartment because, argument one, two, three ... garden, rent, credit, space, duties, neighbours, children...
O jakiej porze dnia najczęściej robisz zakupy i dlaczego?
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At what time of the day do you most often shop and why?
At what time of the day do you most often shop and why?
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I always shop in the morning. I always do my shopping online. I prefer shopping in the evening. It depends. It is always different. I don't shop.
Co najbardziej zdziwiło cię kiedy byłeś za granicą? Opisz tę sytuację.
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What surprised you most when you were abroad? Describe this situation.
What surprised you most when you were abroad? Describe this situation.
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Many things surprised me! Many things were a surprise. I was surprised by so many things. Different two taps in bathroom and driving on the left in UK, different electric current in the US, toilets in Japan...
Czy byłeś kiedyś na komisariacie lub w areszcie i dlaczego, albo co się stało?
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Have you ever been at the police station or in custody and why or what happened?
Have you ever been at the police station or in custody and why or what happened?
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I never went to prison. Only 2 times I went to visit my friend in prison. Terrible conditions and disgusting food. / I spent 3 months in arrest for tax evasion. It was very boring...
Czy masz swojego ulubionego lekarza, do którego masz zaufanie? Jak nawiązałeś z nim z nią taką relację?
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Do you have your favorite doctor who you trust? How did you make a relationship with him with her?
Do you have your favorite doctor who you trust? How did you make a relationship with him with her?
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We had a very good family doctor, but he is retired now. But I like talking to my new doctor Suzanna. She seems very open, competent and patient and friendly. So gradually I grow to trust her more and more.
Jaki masz sposób, aby stracić na wadze po świętach kiedy dużo jadłeś?
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What's your way to lose weight after Christmas when you've eaten a lot?
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Czy uważasz, że można zapomnieć, jak się jeździ na rowerze? Czy jeśli raz już się nauczysz, to będziesz pamiętać do końca życia?
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Do you think you can forget how to ride a bike? If you learn once, will you remember for the rest of your life?
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Czy chciałbyś polecieć w kosmos? Na jak długo i dlaczego?
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Would you like to fly into space? For how long and why?
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