do you know? I don't know

 0    21 fiszek    lux0302
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Pytanie Odpowiedź
Tu sai chi sono quelle persone?
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Do you know who those people are?
tu sai dove lui vive?
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do you know where he lives?
perchè lei è andata a casa? tu sai perchè è andata a casa?
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why did she go home? Do you know why she went home?
tu sai dove ho messo le chiavi? non ricordo dove le ho messe
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Do you know where I put the keys? I do not remember where I put them
loro vivono qui? sai se vivono qui?
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do they live here? do you know if they live here?
sai se Sue conosce Peter?
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Do you know if Sue knows Peter?
sai se lui sarà qui domani?
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Do you know if he will be here tomorrow?
sai dov'è Paula?
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Do you know where Paula is?
sai se lei lavorera' domani?
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Do you know if she is working tomorrow?
sai a che ora lei inizia il lavoro?
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Do you know what time she start work?
sai se i negozi sono aperti domani?
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do you know if the shops are open tomorrow?
sai se qualcuno ti ha visto? non so se qualcuno mi ha visto
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do you know if anybody saw you? I don't know wether anybody saw me
ti ricordi cos'ha detto peter?
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do you remember what peter said?
sai a che ora inizia il meeting?
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do you know what time the meeting begin?
paula sarà qui presto? non so quando lei sara' qui
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will paula be here soon? I don't know when she will be here
non so perche lui era arrabbiato
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I don't know why he was angry
Sally vive qui da molto tempo? non so da quanto tempo lei vive qui
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has sally lived here a long time? I don't know how long she had lived here
non lo so dove andranno
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I don't know where they are going
puo dirmi dov'è il museo?
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can you tell me where the museum is?
dove vuoi andare per la tua vacanza?
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where do you want to go for your holiday?
non so quanto è lontano da qui al centro citta'
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I don't know how far it is from here in the city center

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