La mia lezione

 0    18 fiszek    lux0302
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Pytanie Odpowiedź
sto cercando le mie ciabatte
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I'm looking for my slippers
mettere i talloni a terra
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put the heels on the ground
lei porta i bambini alla scuola materna
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she takes the children to kindergarten
ho notato che porti gli occhiali
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I noticed that you wear glasses
nessuno aveva problemi con la mia fede
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nobody had problems with my faith
loro erano preoccupati che io morissi di fame
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they were concerned that I would starve
puoi bere acqua durante il periodo di digiuno
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you can drink water during the fasting period
lei non poteva permettersi quelle cure
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she could not afford those treatments
vuoi andare fuori o sei troppo stanco?
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do you ant to go out, or are you too tired?
lui fa molto sport, quindi lui è veramente in forma
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he does a lot of port, so he is very fit
non mi piace viaggiare, quindi non sono stato in molti posti
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I don't like travelling, so I haven't been to many places
sei affamata perchè non hai fatto (avuto) colazione
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you are hungry because you didn't have breakfast
era tardi cosi sono andato a letto
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it was late, so I went to bed
non mi piacerebbe vivere li perchè è una città troppo grande
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I wouldn't like to live there because is a town too big
sono andato alla finestra e ho guardato fuori
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I went to the window and I looked out
vuoi che io vengo con te, o aspetto qui?
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do you want me to come with you, or shall I wait here?
lei disse arrivederci, andò dentro la sua macchina e guido' via
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she said good bye, got into her cars and drove off
ieri sono andato a letto molto presto, perchè ero molto stanco
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yesterday I went to bed very early because I was very tired

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