Asking and answering personal questions - Preguntant i responent preguntes personals

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Pytanie Odpowiedź
My favourite film is Spiderman.
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La meva pel·lícula preferida és Spiderman.
I love learning new languages.
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M'agrada aprendre nous idiomes.
I usually hang out with my boyfriend/girlfriend.
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Normalment jo surto amb el meu xicot / núvia.
I've been studying a lot.
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He estat estudiant molt.
I'm a modern languages student.
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Sóc un estudiant de llengües modernes.
If you have any questions, I'll answer them at the meeting.
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Si teniu alguna pregunta, les respondré a la reunió.
Do you have any pets?
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Tens alguna mascota?
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"Everyday phrases in Catalan"
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