charity event
a charity event is an occasion such as a dinner, a party, or a sports event which people pay to attend, often because there are famous people taking part. The purpose of charity events is to raise money for a charity
Angielskie słowo "akcja charytatywna" (charity event) występuje w zestawach:
Extracurricular activities - Zajęcia pozalekcyjnepaństwo i społeczenistwo 04Moduł 2 Państwo i społeczeństwoUnit 5c Culture Corner p. 84szkoła basic ang kart 11.102.
What's your favorite charity?
The charity is named after a man who gave away some two billion yen.
Would you give money to charity if you won a lot of money in the lottery?
It's charity match.
He balked at the suggestion that he give ten percent of his income to charity.
It is justice, not charity, that is wanting in the world.
The coordinators of this charity run have hearts of gold.
Private charity is only a drop in the bucket.
A strong argument for the religion of Christ is this — that offences against Charity are about the only ones which men on their death-beds can be made, not to understand, but to feel, as crime.
Researchers found that subjects could collect double the amount of money for charity when they were wearing clothes with designer logos.
Comic Relief is a charity which was founded in 1985.
UNICEF is a charity organization which raises money for children in my country.
Last month, the couple had to ask for help from charity.
The biggest tool is the ability to inspire people across the whole country - especially those who don' t normally do charity - to do charity.
The theory of games shows that what we name "moral principles" are no other than the strategy elements enabling the group to optimise its survival. Men like to dress their eagerness under the guise of charity.
Angielskie słowo "akcja charytatywna" (charity) występuje w zestawach:
W&K Market Leader UNIT 63.
charity auction
Angielskie słowo "akcja charytatywna" (charity auction) występuje w zestawach:
8 i 9 - MacmillanAngielski sprawdzian