słownik polsko - angielski

język polski - English

gasić ogień po angielsku:

1. extinguish extinguish

Don't forget to extinguish your cigarette.
The firefighters extinguished the forest fire using two firetrucks and a helicopter.
The fireman could not extinguish the flames.
If you light a candle tonight, don't forget to extinguish it before bedtime.
The fire brigade extinguished the fire in the kitchen.
The fire department was called in to extinguish the blaze. They ruthlessly extinguished all resistance.
The fire took two hours to extinguish.
It took the firefighters several hours to extinguish the flames.
firemen were soaking everything to extinguish the blaze
to extinguish a debt

2. to put out the fire to put out the fire

It took firefighters several hours to put out the fire at the former textile factory.

Angielskie słowo "gasić ogień" (to put out the fire) występuje w zestawach:

fires od London
E Kolokacje B1-B2

3. extinguish the fire extinguish the fire

4. extinguish fire extinguish fire

Angielskie słowo "gasić ogień" (extinguish fire) występuje w zestawach:

angielski zawodowy laws
Matura Vocalubarity