słownik polsko - angielski

język polski - English

odrętwiały po angielsku:

1. benumbed

My hand are benumbed with cold.

Angielskie słowo "odrętwiały" (benumbed) występuje w zestawach:

Fiszki z książki - "Germinal" (Émile Zola)
Fiszki z książki - "Bud A Novel" (Neil Munro)
Fiszki z książki - "Vagaries" (Axel Munthe)
Fiszki z książki - "White Fire" (Roy J. Snell)
Fiszki z książki - "Sweden" (Victor Nilsson)

2. numb

It's so cold my hands have gone numb.
The heavy blow had numbed his arm.
An injection soon numbed the pain.
numb with fear
We numb vulnerability-- when we're waiting...
Her legs had gone numb because of the position I'd told her to adpot
vodka might numb the pain in my hand’
And I know we've all seen images enough to make us numb, of the tragedies that we're perpetrating on the planet.
‘People are able to deceive themselves and numb their pain through denial.
he keeps building up the pressure until you are feeling numb
The boating accident victims felt numb by the time they got out of the icy water
“Falling into a K-hole” can leave the user emotionally numb
your face goes numb, and then, luckily, you die.
I've become so numb I can't feel you there I've become so tired So much more aware
Your gums will get numb in a few minutes.

Angielskie słowo "odrętwiały" (numb) występuje w zestawach:

KPP po angielsku i huj
Problemy zdrowotne
exam III semestr
dalej słówka

3. torpid

If you have a sudden loss of cabin pressure at 20,000 feet, passengers will become torpid and then lose consciousness.

4. numbed

I was numbed by her sudden death.
My mouth is numbed.

Angielskie słowo "odrętwiały" (numbed) występuje w zestawach:

Si un segundo durase una vida entera...