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Pytanie Odpowiedź
Try to do it
I’m going to try to climb Mt Everest next year.
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Spróbuj to zrobić
the action itself is the challenge
Try doing it
Try eating less in the evenings.
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Spróbuj to zrobić
the action is a solution to another problem
To jump into something
I’m happy to just jump into our recording
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Wskoczyć w coś
To begin something quickly without thinking about it too much
A duvet
I don't like sleeping uder the duvet in summer
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a thick blanket that you put on your bed and sleep under
To prevent
We have to prevent such situations from happening in the future!
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Aby zapobiec
to make sure something doesn’t happen
It’s broadcasting 101. Marketing 101
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podstawy czegos
Whenever anyone says 101 after any subject this means a beginner’s guide to that subject.
It’s tiring but I’m not going to overegg that.
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makes you tired
To over egg the pudding
It’s tiring but I’m not going to overegg that.
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spoil something by going too far, doing too much, being excessive.
Social etiquette
It has been compared to the social etiquette of 1950's America.
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Etykieta społeczna
all the unwritten rules of social interaction what constitutes rude and polite behaviour.
A minefield
A health and safety minefield
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Pole minowe
a situation in which it’s very easy to make a mistake or cause a problem.
To downplay something
You don’t want to downplay any of the good stuff
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bagatelizowac cos
to make it seem less important than it really is
Common ground
When talking to people about kids (or anything) it’s important to find some common ground
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Wspólna płaszczyzna
things that people share e. g. shared beliefs, ideas, attitudes, experiences.
Putting a downer on
Putting a downer on their joy
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zniechecic do czegos
to make things negative and less enjoyable
Doom and gloom
You don’t want to be one of those doom and gloom people
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Doom and gloom
pesymizm, ciemne barwy, czarna rozpacz
You don’t want to be a nauseating parent “Oh everything’s perfect”
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przyprawiający o mdłości, budzący obrzydzenie
makes you feel sick
To play something safe
To play it safe, you will want to leave by 9.
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być ostrożnym, nie podejmować zbędnego ryzyka, dmuchać na zimne
don’t take any risks, just do the safe thing
The + comparative, the + comparative
The older I get, the wiser I become. The colder it gets, the more my joints ache.
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cos to cos:)
The more + you ‘verb’, the more + you ‘verb’
The more you speak, the more fluent you become.
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Im więcej + ty 'czasownik', tym więcej + ty 'czasownika'
"Each one brings his own personal neuroses to the show."
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a mental condition in which people have unreasonable fears and worries
To sugarcoat something
It’s hard to work out if people are sugarcoating things, or making them sound much worse than they actually are.
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kadzić, upiększać
to make something seem more positive than it really is.
To show off
Stop showing off and help me.
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Popisywać się
to do things just to get other people’s attention, because they want other people to be impressed, but people find it annoying
To be a show off
You don’t want to be seen as a show off...
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A person who does things just to get other people’s attention,
To put yourself down
comedians tend to put themselves down
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Upokorzyć się
criticising yourself in front of other people
To put someone down
Promise to never put others down
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Upokorzyć kogoś
To put a negative slant on something
In the UK we say that things are just not too bad. If that’s not putting a negative slant on things
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przedstawic cos w nieprzychylny sposob
to just give something a negative feeling. “To put a negative slant on things
If that’s not... then I don’t know what is.
“If that’s not love then I don’t know what is.
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Jeśli tak nie jest... to nie wiem, co to jest.
She seems to be genuinely honest. / dʒen juɪnli/ (4 syllables)
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autentycznie, rzeczywiście
truthfully, really
It is generally believed that dog is man's best friend, generally / dʒen rәli / (3 syllables)
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powszechnie, ogólnie
in most situations

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