EXAM LU 16, Taking revenge (16),

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A healthy lifestyle is possible ___________________ the affluent.
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A little suffering now will also sa_______ them from a lot of suffering in the future.
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According to opp_________________ of corporal punishment, spa_____________ a child does not create strong individuals.
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opponents, spanking
Beating a child is an ____________ of violence.
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Beating dep____________ them of character and br________ the spirit of the child.
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deprives, breaks
Beating the children will lead to perp___________________________ the vicious _________________ of violence in the family.
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perpetuating, circle,
Becoming sp_______________ children, they lack moral fi_______________ and are unprepared for the cha_________________________ of real life.
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spoilt, fibre, challenges
Both parents and children _____________ prey to food advertising.
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Child ab___________ cannot be a leg________________________ means of influencing behaviour.
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abuse, legitimate
Children follow their t_______________ buds and not reason.
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Eat foods which are rich _________ vitamins.
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Get yourself va_____________________ against flu.
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Instead of comp________________, there will be rejection.
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Instead of facing ________ to challenges there will be fear _________ failure.
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up, of
It robs them ________ their se____________ of security, dep______________ them of happiness and turns them into vict______________ rather than victors.
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of, sense, deprives, victims
Kids gorge _________ ice-cream and sweets to cope __________ stress ________ their lives.
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on, with, in
Life in ______________ city is a _____________________ for survival.
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the, struggle
Make s_____________ you never _________ hungry and wear several la_____________ of clothing.
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sure, go, layers
Should they be passive observers when their flesh and ________________ get into a b___________ alley of mistakes from which there is _________ escape and for which they will have ______________ dearly in the future?
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blood, blind, no, pay
Shouldn’t parents do something to save them ________________ those mistakes?
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Sooner or later, they will either rebel _____________________ the authority of the parent and treat their father or mother ___________ a tormentor _______________ than a loving parent.
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against, as, rather
Strict upbringing is said to b_____________ character, str______________________ integrity and create champions rather than w______________.
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build, strenghten, wimps
Take vitamin pills ________ a regular b___________________.
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on, basis
The children who experience the occ________________________ sl ___________, which ________________ them no harm, have an opportunity to ta____________ suffering which toughens them _______ and works won________________ with their character.
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occasional, slap, does, taste, up, wonders
They believe that a parent must be an authority f________________ rather than a m__________ because it is his responsibility to g______________ the child rather than give advice, to lead rather than to f_______________.
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figure, mate, guide, follow
They gorge __________ food to kill the pain of da__________ life.
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on, daily
This concept of partnership, however, according to prop_____________________ of strict up______________________, only erodes and unde__________________ parental aut___________________.
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proponents, upbringing, undermines, authority
This will help develop mu_____________ trust and understanding and encourage co-operation where the parent is a partner ___________than an authority f_______.
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mutual, rather, figure
Those primitive creatures don’t care __________ her feelings or her inn______ life.
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about, inner
Those who have enjoyed sh__________________ upbringing by hel_____________ parents in a stress-fr____________ env_________________________ are said to have and no character.
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sheltered, helicopter, stress-free, environment
Those who have never ________ a beating are said to have no bac ____________.
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got, backbone
Those who receive this trea______________ are likely to release their p_______-up anger and vent their frustrations ____________ their own children in the future.
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treatment, pent-up, on
Through dialogue children will understand their parents’ exp__________________ and will learn the difference between right and _________________.
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expectations, wrong
What seems a much better alt_________________ is dialogue _________ children.
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allternative, with,
When children rebel _____________ authority, parents should __________ action.
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against, take
While explaining things __________ children is important, there are ti___________ when it is like talking to a ________________ wall.
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to, times, brick
You are thinking of looking for a good m______________ because you have begun to t___________ with the idea of marriage.
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match, toy
You have enrolled _________ a course __________ painting.
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on, in
You think you are a beautiful person ___________ the inside.
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1. This action was undoubtedly in re________________________ for last week's bomb attack.
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2. She wanted to get her own ______________ ___________ Liz for ruining her party.
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back on
3. I fully accept that it was wrong of the guards to re_____________________ with blows and kicks.
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4. What did he do? He __________________ revenge on his employers by setting fire to the factory.
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5. I still haven't paid him __________________ for the way he embarrassed me at the party.
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6. In the process, she got _______________________ on her ex-husband and became rich, famous, and happy.
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7. She is going to ________________ her own back on Mark for dumping her.
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8. Brenda is being difficult about the divorce just to pay him ________________ ___________ leaving her.
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back for
9. Mark hurt Brenda badly and she vowed to get _______________ with him some day.
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10. The statement claimed that the bombing was in revenge _____________ the assassination of their leader.
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11. He'll probably go out with Samantha, my ex-girlfriend, just to _____________ his own back __________ me.
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get, on
12. Later that day, whites re_________________________ by killing a young black delivery driver.
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13. I didn't invite her to my party because she didn't invite me to hers. It was just tit _____________ ____________.
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tit for tat
14. She is seeking rev____________________ for the murder of her husband.
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15. Anne took his criticisms very much to h___________________.
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16. She did the __________________ on her husband by telling her daughter that he was not her father.
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17. Most kids get teased a bit at school - they have to learn to ________________ it in their s_________________.
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take, stride
18. Don't take anything he said to ____________________ - he was drunk.
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19. After the operation, I was told to take things ______________________ for a month or two.
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20. When I first met her she had been hurling abuse at her daughters-in-law who _______________ no notice whatsoever.
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21. The staff knew what was going on but they turned a _____________________ eye.
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22. I'll ov___________________ your mistake this time.
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23. Carlos was tactful and for________________________ even when I was impatient and angry.
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24. Don't __________ attention __________ their teasing. Just ______________ a deaf ear __________ it.
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pay, to, turn, to
25. The policeman who fined me was just doing his job, and I ______________ him no malice.
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26. There were lots of other people in there, but I _________________ no notice of them.
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27. Teachers were turning a __________________ eye _________ smoking in school.
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blind, to

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